One would think that the best games would also be the most well-known, which is often the case, but there are times that I decide to give some obscure game a chance and am baffled at how such an amazing game could have been forgotten so. I have several such games that are quite dear to me, and I have decided that the only way to give them the recognition they deserve is to share them with all of you. And so I will, in no particular order, as they are all awesome. Continue reading The Duck’s Top Three Overlooked Games→
You all remember how, when this blog first got started, I wrote a series about the pros and cons about the GameCube/XBox/PlayStation2 generation, don’t you? Well, actually, you may not because that was a while ago. But, believe me, I did. And now that I have had a good amount of experience with the last generation of consoles (the Wii, XBox 360, and PlayStation 3, of course), I decided it was time to write a series of posts on what I find good and bad about these three awesome consoles. To start, the console I’ve had the longest, the Wii.
Sometimes, I like to think about how things would be if I made different decisions. Like, if I had never decided to buy the PlayStation 2, my first venture outside my previously Nintendo-only domain, what games would I be playing now? What would my collection look like? I’m sure we all have times where there is a great game we didn’t plan on getting, but we ended up playing it because of what a friend said about it or because it caught our attention in the store during a search for a completely different game. And when this happens, I often think about how close I came to missing out on such a good game. And maybe we all do that, or maybe it’s just me. Because I think too much into things sometimes.
And when I get to thinking, I realize all manner of things. If I didn’t just happen to spot “Okami” and “Vexx” and decide to give them a try, I would have missed out on some fantastic games. And “Portal 2”, actually, was thanks to good things Cary and Hatm0nster said about it, or I would have never bought the game. (Thanks, guys.) Seriously, I saw it in the stores, and all I thought was, “That game sure has a weird cover”, and that was that. Then, I heard people talk about this game, looked it up one day, and there it was, a game I had seen before and just simply passed by. Small world. Or just, small video game section of the store. I dunno. But, it’s weird. Also, thanks to more good reviews on blogs I’ve read, I bought “Chrono Trigger” and “Chrono Cross”. Never heard of those games before, but now I own them, and I really look forward to playing them. Continue reading Great Games I Almost Missed→
The Duck was listening to some music from a most beautiful game, “Okami”, and when I heard this one song, I immediately knew it needed its own Resonance post. This song, called “Giant Monster in Wait”, had quite an impact on me when I first played the game, and it remains as one of my favorite songs from the game because it is the most successful in terms of making me feel like a part of the game. This is why I love such songs, because they draw you into the game and make you feel like what’s happening is really…happening. We all know video games aren’t real, so any fear, excitement, uneasiness, whatever is dampened by the fact that, no matter how immersive the game is, we can never forget that it is just that, a game. Continue reading Resonance: Giant Monster in Wait→
A group of the bloggers here at “United We Game” have been sharing posts with each other on the topic of what’s scary in video games in celebration of October and Halloween. Behold the Duck’s thoughts on the topic, originally a guest post on “Cheeese Toastie and Video Games”.
This week I bring to you the second guest post of the month, again on the topic of horror. The blogger I’m featuring this week is the always entertaining and insightful Duck of gaming blog The Duck of Indeed and one of the admins of United We Game. Remember to check out both of those sites for more awesome gaming stuff! Also, remember to check out my post on his blog when it goes up. I’ll reblog it here over the weekend too. Without further ado, over to Duck!
This month, the bloggers over at “United We Game” have been participating in simul-posts most suited to the month that Halloween calls home, where we write guest posts on our fellow bloggers’, well, blogs on the topic of what’s scary in video games. Unlike many others, the Duck is not very familiar with the horror genre, but I still have…
Several posts ago, I wrote about how many video games seem to be getting easier now than in the past. This made me think of games on the other side of the spectrum. Not really difficult games, though, as you’d expect. Difficult games can be good for those who like a challenge. But, what I had in mind was games that were difficult in a bad way. Some of us like a challenge, while others prefer games that are simpler and more relaxing. But, I would have trouble believing anyone enjoys games that are just, well, ridiculous and unfair. That make you toss your controller across the room and tug out all your silky locks. And scream completely new profanities at the images on the scream that made you behave this way. You know those kinds of games, don’t you? Don’t feel ashamed if a game has reduced you to insanity one time or another. It happens. But, boy, do I despise those kinds of games.
“Donkey Kong Country Returns” is one game that automatically springs to mind. While the old Super Nintendo “Donkey Kong Country” games could be pretty hard, they never inspired such absolute loathing as this game. This game has moments of fun. It looks beautiful. But, I hate it. I just hate it so much. It is ridiculously hard sometimes. You know that Super Guide I mentioned in an earlier post, that completes the level for you if it’s too hard? While it’s silly to have a game that plays itself, I do understand why they added it. Because some levels can’t be completed using the skills readily available to us carbon-based life forms. But, I have a tip for you, game developers. DON’T make the levels so hard that they can’t be completed using the skills readily available to us carbon-based life forms in the first place! What a radical notion! Continue reading Games That Inspire Adult Tantrums→