Why Haven’t We Moved On?

Image by Flickr User: Doug Kline (cc)

There’s something different about this generation of home consoles. Not so much in the power or what they can do, but rather in our perception of them. Here we are, almost 10 months since the PS4/Xbox One launched, almost 2 years since the Wii U launched, and we’re still referring to them as “next-gen”. They’re out. They’ve been out awhile. The PS4 has sold over 10 million units; these machines are not “next-gen” anymore, they’re most definitely “current-gen”. Continue reading Why Haven’t We Moved On?

From the Console’s Perspective: The College Years, and Then Some

Ever wondered what life might look like from the perspective of a video game console? No? Uh…oh. Is it weird that I have? Don’t answer that. Instead, blissfully follow me in this three-part series where I imagine how the trappings for humanity might appear to a game console. Could be any game console, maybe that game console you’re staring at right now. Yep, that very one.

Next up, prospering into adulthood.

Image by Flickr user Valentin Ottone

Image by Flickr user Valentin Ottone

Wow. And I mean…wow! That was AWESOME! You just blasted through that sixty hour game in a week! It doesn’t get any better than that, does it? You go pick up a new game on a Tuesday and then…BAM! One week later, you defeat that final boss and the game goes on the shelf. That’s pretty darn cool. It’s also cool that your spring break coincided with a vacation from work. I mean, you know as well as I that doesn’t happen very often. Or…y’know…not often enough. Remember back in high school where a week off was totally, like, a week off. Over 150 hours of just you, me, maybe a couple of friends, and a game. Great games, bad games, it didn’t matter, because you were having fun. And lots of it.

Continue reading From the Console’s Perspective: The College Years, and Then Some

Slender is an Experience

Image by Flickr User: TJ Fowler
Image by Flickr User: TJ Fowler

I have been writing a lot of posts related to “Slender: The Nine Pages” as of late.  Even more so (and which is required in order to properly write about it), I have been playing the game, not to mention recording gameplay videos of it, something I have been enjoying immensely, even as it repeatedly sends my socks flying across the room in dread.  I have two new gameplay videos to share with you all below, but first, the true purpose of my post (okay, okay, a large part really is to just show off my videos, but still).

For me, “Slender: The Nine Pages”, and surely many of the other “Slender” games, is an experience rather than just a game, something I learned as I tried to record yet another gameplay video.  The game doesn’t frighten me as much as it used to, so I now play at night with the lights off, but it’s quite difficult coaxing myself to do this because, well, this game is still pretty darn scary, whether or not I’ve gotten somewhat used to it.  Playing this game, in many ways, is quite an ordeal, but I force myself to play because I want so badly to get those stupid pages, and I really enjoy recording videos of it.  But, you know what happened…  Well, I got the key to the locked door for the first time ever, and I even got seven pages on my last attempt for that video.  That’s right, seven.  One-two-three…seven.  And you would think that would be a good thing, but I then found, to my utter dismay, that… Continue reading Slender is an Experience

Pokemon is a Game of Great Moments

Image by Flickr User: BagoGames (cc)

Normally a series as unchanging as Pokemon would have long ago faded into oblivion. We gamers usually demand a degree of change as we follow a series, so it should be a wonder that Pokemon has persisted so long without many major changes to the formula. It should be, but truly the fact that it’s still going isn’t surprising in the least. Pokemon is one of those rare games that got it almost exactly right on the very first try. It’s simple, but has depth. It’s cute, but that cuteness is offset by a sense of mystery about the world and the nature of its inhabitants. Finally, the battling and pokemon collecting are easy in theory, but structured in a way that can turn what should be a quick and easy encounter into a desperate struggle for the ages! It’s a game that makes great moments happen, and allows for them to happen at any time! Continue reading Pokemon is a Game of Great Moments

From the Console’s Perspective: The Halcyon Days of Youth

Ever wondered what life might look like from the perspective of a video game console? No? Uh…oh. Is it weird that I have? Don’t answer that. Instead, blissfully follow me in this three-part series where I imagine how the trappings for humanity might appear to a game console. Could be any game console, maybe that game console you’re staring at right now. Yep, that very one.

First up, childhood and adolescence.

Image by Flickr user Joe Shlabotnik

Image by Flickr user Joe Shlabotnik

Man, am I glad that kid has school! Let me tell you, if it wasn’t for those eight to twelve hours between getting up and dinner time, I’d be an overheated wreck! Continue reading From the Console’s Perspective: The Halcyon Days of Youth

I Get It Now

Image from Flickr User: Jim Squires
Image from Flickr User: Jim Squires

I used to be quite the game hoarder. Once I got a game, I would usually never get rid of it, no matter how bad it was. It probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I worried that a day would come where I would’ve played all my good games too recently to play over again and still enjoy them, and in order to continue my daily gaming, I would have no choice but to go back and play my bad games. But, at least I’d have something to play. Back then, for me, playing a bad game was better than playing no games at all. And I think another reason why I used to engage in such nonsense was because, when I first started gaming, I didn’t have many games, and so I couldn’t afford to get rid of anything, or else I would have no choice but to replay the same few games over and over again or become quite game deprived, a rather grim fate indeed. And so, with this past need to cling to any game I could get my hands on, no matter how dreadful, I used to really not understand how people could get rid of their games unless they were really bad. Continue reading I Get It Now

Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Hours.

Image by Flickr User: Of Corgis & Cocktails (cc)

Before I get stuck in to the main part of the article i owe you guys an apology, it’s been quite some time since I last posted anything on here! The main reason being that I’ve started a Youtube channel and that’s been taking up a lot more time than I had originally anticipated (Who knew editing was co complicated?!) Now I’m starting to get the hang of it a bit more though so I should be able to start posting more regularly again. Feel free to check my channel out, it’s NidgePlays (Shameful advertising) But anyway, let’s get into the article!

Continue reading Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Hours.