With E3 at a close, I must make a confession. While I have certainly heard of this important gaming event, I admit that I don’t typically pay it much heed, and any news I do hear comes from random people or articles on the Internet. Nevertheless, I have a short list for you all in celebration of E3 and our June community post, and I’m keeping it simple. My favorite gaming news is whatever involves the release of interesting games, so I shall list (and briefly describe) the five games I look forward to most (whether they were mentioned at E3 or not). In no particular order. Continue reading Top Anticipated Games: #gamersonwatch
Tag Archives: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII: Finally Finished!
(Images Captured By Hatmonster)
Well it’s finished. After seven years of trying to get through the game only to be distracted away from it time and again, it’s finally done. I’ve finally beaten Final Fantasy VII! It took over 45 hours spread over a month of dedicating normal play hours (as well as sneaking in time whenever I could find it), but it’s finally done…and It was totally worth it! Continue reading Final Fantasy VII: Finally Finished!
The Inanities of Video Game Bosses (Created by Square, I Mean)

Some time ago, I replayed “Kingdom Hearts”, a game I had gone through two times prior, and yet, for some reason, this was the first time that something struck me. Video game bosses are weird. Not just the concept (why are they even called “bosses” to begin with?), but…you know what, have you ever beaten “Kingdom Hearts”? Or really, any Square Enix game for that matter. Because, sometimes, they have the absolute strangest abominations you’ve ever seen. It almost seems to be a requirement in such games that the final boss is the most distorted and ridiculous creature they can possibly come up with.
And so, when I was battling the final boss of “Kingdom Hearts” during my third playthrough, it was only now that it hit me just how goofy the end of the game is (goofy, not Goofy). Honestly. I mean, okay, I can accept the earlier fight against Ansem, when he has that funky Heartless thing hovering behind him all throughout the entire battle (which would bother me, personally, as I don’t do well with anyone breathing down my neck, monster or not-monster alike). But, then, once you beat him, you have another fight that is so much more absurd, where Ansem and his funky minion thing have somehow merged with a…I don’t know…a psychotic cruise ship of death that is floating out in nothingness, with faces all over it (including one face with a chin that could poke your eye out…nay, to be more accurate, it could poke your entire face out). And I don’t know why I never thought that much about it before, but the last time I saw this thing…
Continue reading The Inanities of Video Game Bosses (Created by Square, I Mean)
Finishing Final Fantasy VII: June Progress Report
Images captured by Hatmonster
Well it’s almost the end of June so I figured now would be a good time for the first Final Fantasy VII update.

I’m happy to report that the game is moving along nicely. More quickly than I would expected given how life in the working world tends to function. As you can see I’ve not only made it past that stupid snake, which as it turns out is called “Midgar Zolom” (could never remember that), but got all the way past Aeris’ death and am poised to make the initial confrontation with Sephiroth on disk 2. Woo!

So far this playthrough has been a learning experience. I’ve not only learned that the real tragedy of losing Aeris is that my team no longer has a dedicated healer, but that there’s such a thing as placing characters in the front and back rows for bonus/penalties to defense and attack bonuses (I seriously never knew this!). Playing through the game yet again also provided a chance to get a better look at Sephiroth’s character. Seeing it all play out again really solidified in my mind why Sephiroth became such a classic villain. He’s not so much evil as he is insane, though there is still plenty of evil to go around after said insanity kicks-in. It’s almost a tragedy in a sense; the man was a hero and even had friends up until he was accidentally confronted with the nature of his origins. Had Shinra never sent him to Nibelheim, perhaps the events of Final Fantasy VII might never have happened. Though if one thinks about it, these events would have had to happen in order to prevent Shinra from slowly killing the planet…so Sephiroth going berserk was an oddly good thing in the end. Kind of wierd how that worked out isn’t it?

That’s all I got for now. I’ll be back with another update once I hit disk 3, hopefully before the Destiny Beta hits!
One question for those of you who’ve played before: who would be a good replacement for Aeris? I’m hoping Yuffie will be a good magic-oriented character once I recruit her.
Finishing Final Fantasy VII
Image by Flickr User: Borgs Dalisay (CC)
Final Fantasy VII is one of my absolute favorite games from the good ol’ PSOne, probably number…4 after Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage, Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot 2: Wrath of Cortex, and Crash Bandicoot: Warped. (What can I say? I like my classic platformers!) I love almost everything about this game: the story, the world, and the diverse characters, not to mention the secrets (oh those lovely, lovely secrets!). Final Fantasy VII‘s music is a particular favorite. There’s just something about it that immediately sucks me into its world, the Mako Reactor theme in particular. With all this excellence crammed into just 3 CDs, it’s no wonder this game ranks among the favorites of myself and a great many others. Here’s the thing though: I haven’t yet managed to finish it. Continue reading Finishing Final Fantasy VII
Glitches That Involve Freezing and the Rage They Cause

Today’s post is the last of my little glitch series, until I experience enough new ones to write another post about them. Won’t that be nice? Ahem, this time I discuss freezing, quite possibly the worst glitch ever. You can’t work through it. It just happens, and there’s nothing you can do. Nothing. Games never un-freeze. No, of course, not! That would be too tolerable if they unfroze! I hate games that freeze!
Lesser annoying freezing: “Donkey Kong Country 3” is my only glitchy Super Nintendo game. It always gets slow in the lightning level, and one day, I accidentally touched the cartridge when the game was starting up. This caused most of my files to be erased, which was quite upsetting. But, the glitch I am getting to is when I once went into one of the bear’s houses, and the screen suddenly got distorted and froze. Ever since, I’ve been terrified to go in the bear’s places ever again (not that it’s ever been not stressful to walk into a bear’s house)! Fortunately, at least no more freezing has occurred, and it’s my least favorite “DKC” game anyway. Aren’t you proud of the positive spin I put on this glitch? Also, in “Harvest Moon 64”, walking over the bridge was an ordeal (and there weren’t even any bears), as the game would freeze occasionally when you did. It was an evil bridge. Evil. Continue reading Glitches That Involve Freezing and the Rage They Cause
Merry Listmas: Things I Dislike About Games I Like
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the duck’s first Listmas list. I enjoy lists, whether it’s keeping track of all my games (in order from best to worst, of course) and realizing that my collection might be getting a wee bit enormous or marking things off a list and knowing that I’m getting one step closer to a goal. And so when I found out there was an actual little holiday where I got to list stuff, I then got to thinking about what I wanted to list (as was the logical next step in that sequence of events). And I eventually came up with the idea to list the things I don’t like about games I like. Here I go. Continue reading Merry Listmas: Things I Dislike About Games I Like