It is now time for the Duck’s second Listmas list. This one is kind of like my gaming Christmas list, listing all the gaming-related things I would like to see someday, whether they be things that can actually happen someday or are merely silly and impractical. Continue reading Merry Listmas: My Gaming Wish List
Tag Archives: Listmas
Merry Listmas: Games I Hope to Complete in 2014

When 2013 started, I had a singular gaming goal in mind: complete Skyrim. (Which I did!) Now that I’m facing the start of 2014, I have the same gaming goal in mind, except it involves multiple games. In the past, new years have tended to bring forth crops of new games, and I’ve generally tried to finish any games from the past year by the end of it. Well, that just didn’t happen this year. In fact, I’ve got such a large number of started-but-not-finished titles in queue right now that I’m swearing to myself (and all of you) that, depending on the system, I’m not going to buy new games until the ones that I started from my backlog are totally and fully complete. Or…their main stories, at the very least. So here’s a list what I’ll definitely be playing next year (ordered by system):
Continue reading Merry Listmas: Games I Hope to Complete in 2014
Merry Listmas: Things I Dislike About Games I Like
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the duck’s first Listmas list. I enjoy lists, whether it’s keeping track of all my games (in order from best to worst, of course) and realizing that my collection might be getting a wee bit enormous or marking things off a list and knowing that I’m getting one step closer to a goal. And so when I found out there was an actual little holiday where I got to list stuff, I then got to thinking about what I wanted to list (as was the logical next step in that sequence of events). And I eventually came up with the idea to list the things I don’t like about games I like. Here I go. Continue reading Merry Listmas: Things I Dislike About Games I Like
Merry Listmas: The 3 WORST Gaming Moments

Hello all and merry Listmas! For those who don’t know, Listmas is a multi-blog event masterminded by our friend C.T. Murphy of Murf Vs Internet. It’s a wonderful time of sharing, story-swapping, and lists! Oh such wonderful lists! Keep an eye on CT’s blog and United We Game from now until the 25th, as we’ll be bringing you all the wonderful Listmas goings-on! And with that we move on to, you guessed it, another exceptional list! These are the 3 Worst gaming moments I can think of.
Continue reading Merry Listmas: The 3 WORST Gaming Moments
Merry Listmas: My 3 BEST Gaming Moments

Hello all and merry Listmas! For those who don’t know, Listmas is a multi-blog event masterminded by our friend C.T. Murphy of Murf Vs Internet. It’s a wonderful time of sharing, story-swapping, and lists! Oh such wonderful lists! Keep an eye on CT’s blog and United We Game from now until the 25th, as we’ll be bringing you all the wonderful Listmas goings-on! And with that we move on to, you guessed it, a list!
Continue reading Merry Listmas: My 3 BEST Gaming Moments
Listmas 2013: The Listmas List
(Intro courtesy of “UWG” follower and fellow blogger C. T. Murphy) United We Game is proud to host this year’s official Listmas List. From December 20th through the 26th, we will be updating this post daily to index all of the prior day’s Listmas posts. Feel free to share with your friends so they can follow along as well!
In case you haven’t heard, Listmas is a holiday event open to all bloggers. Each blogger will post a list every day to their blog on any subject of their choosing. It is a shared writing experience meant to foster community, celebration, discovery, and an easy excuse to take a moment away from your other holidays. Participating everyday is not necessary, so feel free to jump in any time. View this post for a few basic guidelines so your lists will be seen. Continue reading Listmas 2013: The Listmas List