By now, there should be no secret that I love games with a sense of mystery, whether this mystery comes from unlocking secrets like the elusive Stop ‘n’ Swop or is simply a result of something that can and will never be explained, like, for example, Stop ‘n’ Swop. (And I don’t mean in the context of the real world; I know that whole story well enough. But, in the context of the game…it kind of gives me an idea for a fan fiction, it does.)
Anyway, one game I always thought had an immense sense of this mystery I so love was Vexx. This game just has so many unique locations that defied explanation, or at the very least, left the player wondering…what’s the story behind this? The tower behind the waterfall, the skeletal remains of a dragon, the former occupant of Tempest Peak Manor, not to mention the identity of the sages carved into the Summit of the Sages. The game never had a sequel as originally planned, as Acclaim was bought by someone else, leaving me with so many questions I’d like answered. Again, a fan fiction or several may be in order. I owe the world my very valued and interesting thoughts and opinions on this most pressing of matters. Continue reading Why Some Mysteries Are Best Left Unsolved