I didn’t already write a post about this, right? I don’t think I did…. Anyway, some time ago, I wrote a post comparing the “Jak and Daxter” and “Ratchet & Clank” series, and I thought it was high time I gave you guys a more in-depth look at the “Jak” series, one of my favorites, and yet, at the same time, one of the most disappointing.
Because, like so many other series, this one started out so very good, only to turn so very bad. The first game, “Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy”, was very short and simple, but it still remains as one of my favorite games. I don’t even know what it was that made it so great, but I just love it. It involves Daxter falling into a pool of Dark Eco, which turns him into an orange half weasel, half otter creature called an ottsel, and Jak and Daxter set out on a quest to seek out the Dark Sage to try and get Daxter changed into a human again. Simple concept, but the humor and the gameplay was just wonderful. I thought this game had the funniest minor characters I have ever seen, and the game was just pure fun. It really just involved a lot of collecting, but you got to explore cool locations and use different types of Eco that gave Jak different abilities. And riding that zoomer was awesome. Continue reading Jak and Daxter: I Miss the Simple Days