Tag Archives: gameplay

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Geyser Blowout (Lum Medal)

Hello there!  Today, I will be sharing with you another juicy and delicious (wait, what?) installment of my gameplay series for Rayman Origins.  In this video, I get the Lum Medal in the second level of Jibberish Jungle, Geyser Blowout.  As you can see, this level took me two tries, as I was not able to get 350 Lums for the Lum Medal during my first attempt.  I was still getting used to the game, thus my minor incompetence.  Plus, I just miss the helicopter ability.  It is useful, but I don’t get that until the Desert of Dijiridoos.  Sigh. Continue reading Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Geyser Blowout (Lum Medal)

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 3

How do, everyone!  For this week’s video, I will be sharing with you part 3 of my gameplay for Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.  This was a rather interesting video.  I get assaulted by ghostly arms, and then I’m forced to play hide and seek with a rather annoying ghost girl.  She was so annoying….  Hope you enjoy! Continue reading Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 3

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Opening + It’s a Jungle Out There (Lum Medal)

What’s this, another video post?  Why, yes.  Yes, it is.  You see, once I finished playing Fragile Dreams, I decided the next game I’d like to record would be Rayman Origins, one of my favorite platformers of all time.  In fact, it’s right up there with the old Donkey Kong Country games on the SNES.  It is that good.  And so I thought I’d start posting videos for that game every week, as well, because I just can’t wait to share the fun with everyone. Continue reading Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Opening + It’s a Jungle Out There (Lum Medal)

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 2

This week’s Youtube video I will be sharing is part 2 of my gameplay series for Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.  This time, I explore more of the subway and do battle with…jellyfish…ghosts.  The ghosts of jellyfish?  Huh?  And is it just me, or is there something weird about that chicken guy?…  Shudder.  (Again, I apologize about my audio issues.  That doesn’t get fixed until a bit later.  Darn microphone.) Continue reading Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 2

The Trials of Gameplay Recording

For the longest time, I have wished to record my gameplay, but it always seemed like too complex a process, and years passed without any progress being made in the matter.  No, I thought, I shan’t ever get to record my gaming prowess because I’m just not fancy enough to set up all that technical mumbo jumbo.  Nevertheless, there were times I would defeat a boss with 1 unit of health left or complete a challenge with less than a second to spare, and I would think to myself, I really need to record this kind of stuff and share it with the world.  So many missed moments, where I basked in the glory of a seemingly impossible victory.  With no one to share it with.

And then, not too long ago, Hatm0nster told me about a simple device one could use to record gameplay.  It’s the Avermedia Live Gamer Portable, and after doing quite a bit of research into the thing, I decided to give it a go.  It was about $150 on Amazon, and while I worried I wouldn’t be able to figure it out, I decided now wasn’t the time to chicken out when I had come so close to fulfilling a longtime dream.  Fast forward a few weeks, and I finally understand how this device works, and I want to explain the details for anyone else wishing to try their hand at gameplay recording. Continue reading The Trials of Gameplay Recording

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 1

Hello there!  We’ve decided, now that we have our very own Youtube channel, it’s simply not good enough to leave those lovely videos only on Youtube.  They need to be shared!  And so, for the next, well, however many Mondays, I’m going to share one video a week of my gameplay of Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.  For those of you not familiar with the game, this is a Wii exclusive that takes place after the end of the world.  You play as a boy named Seto, one of the last people left, who sets out on a quest to find a mysterious silver-haired girl. Continue reading Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 1

Saturday Video Round Up: Derek’s Picks Edition

The following post was submitted by Gamer Crash. See more trailers and news at GamerCrash.com!

As many of you know, this past week was all about the new games and announcements at E3 2015. This year there was a ton of great stuff and overall, I found the show to be extremely exciting with awesome games all over the place.

As you know, today is also Saturday which means it’s time for a brand new round up. Being only one person with a finite amount of time on my hands, there’s absolutely no way I could realistically provide a round up of every new trailer or gameplay video that was released at the show. I’d need to find a way to clone myself or stop time.

So instead of running myself into the ground with trailers, I’ve decided to steal a page from the wonderful ROBO♥BEAT’s site and give you guys a look at some of my favorite trailers from E3. There was a ton of games to love this year so whittling down the list was pretty tough. After you’re done, make sure to let me know what caught your attention this week as well. Enjoy!

Continue reading Saturday Video Round Up: Derek’s Picks Edition