Tag Archives: xbox one

Saturday Video Round Up: August 9 – 15

The following post was submitted by Gamer Crash. See more trailers and news at GamerCrash.com!

With GamesCom now at an end and the giant trailer explosion a thing of last week, the industry has settled a bit. Unfortunately for us here at the Round Up, that means significantly less videos to give to you, dear reader. Still, lets make the best of it shall we? Here are the best videos from the past week, which are conveniently tucked away after the break below. For now, here’s just a brief taste.

The big trailer for me this week comes from Nintendo. With Super Mario Maker on the horizon, Nintendo has dropped a mega-sized 7 minute trailer showing off more of the game and all the new features that you didn’t already know about before hand. Seriously, there’s a lot of stuff this one is bringing to the table and I cannot wait.

The surprise hit of 2015 currently rests in the hands of Dying Light and developer Techland is bringing a whole new chapter to fans with The Following. Featuring a new and expansive area for player to kill zombies in, the biggest surprise may be the inclusion of a dune buggy than can also be upgraded. Come get a first look below.

I’ve also got new videos for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Rainbow Six Siege, Mega Man Legacy Collection and so much more after the break, so come check out this week’s batch of trailers!

The full list of videos await you after the jump…

Continue reading Saturday Video Round Up: August 9 – 15

The Two Made One? Windows 10 and the Xbox One.

Although I enjoy watching press conferences from various multimedia and gaming events such as E3 and GDC, I usually take any announcements made at them with more than a few grains of salt. Though I understand the need to keep people interested and playing, many of us can probably recall at least a few instances where the initial hype surrounding a hallowed gaming proclamation fizzled into nothing or became little more than a long-running tease. So when I decided to invest my time into watching the Gamescom 2015 press conferences of Microsoft, EA, and Blizzard, I was ready to be interested but, like any cautious optimist, also skeptical and underwhelmed. Though those facets held out for most of what I heard, I perked up  at Microsoft’s announcement that Windows 10 would be coming to the Xbox One this fall. Hmm…

Continue reading The Two Made One? Windows 10 and the Xbox One.

Saturday Video Round Up: July 26 – August 1

The following post was submitted by Gamer Crash. See more trailers and news at GamerCrash.com!

Hey look, it’s August! Where does the time go?

As we slowly exit the dry, barren wasteland that is July, the release schedule starts to slowly accelerate. This is certainly good news for the Round Up as we near game launches, trailers become more readily available. So, lets have a look at some of the best videos and trailers from the past week. Here’s a small taste of everything that’s waiting for you below the jump.

Super. Mario. Maker. I don’t know about you, but there’s something extremely appealing about crafting your own Mario levels being able to break some rules such as putting two Boswers on top of each other, or gating off the flag pole at the end of the level. If that’s for you, then the “nostalgia” trailer is something you’ll definitely have to watch.

Want even more insight into the mind of Rico Rodriguez, protagonist in the upcoming and totally bonkers sandbox game, Just Cause 3? Avalanche Studios has you covered this week along with some new footage that would even make Michael Bay jealous.

I’ve also got new videos for Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture, LEGO Dimensions, the final DLC pack for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and so much more after the break, so come check out this week’s batch of trailers!

The full list of videos await you after the jump…

Continue reading Saturday Video Round Up: July 26 – August 1

Considering Rare Replay and Video Game Compilations

When Rare Replay comes out next week, it will join heralded company alongside the likes of Activision Anthology, Namco Museum, Capcom Classics, along with many others. That of the video game compilation.

Game compilations are nothing new, and, classically speaking, they’ve been a primary way that publishers have pushed out or re-introduced old content to new generations. But collections of older games by single (or a conglomeration of merged) publishers, like Rare Replay, aren’t the only types of compilations out there. Some are simply collections of games that are available for certain media (maybe, like me, you spent your early childhood years riffling through “101 Great PC Games!” instead of doing your homework), while others are collections of specific game series, such as Super Mario All-Stars or the Mega Man Anniversary Collection.

Continue reading Considering Rare Replay and Video Game Compilations

Saturday Video Round Up: April 26 – May 2

The following post was submitted by GamerCrash. See more trailers and news at GamerCrash.com!

It’s a brand new Video Round Up! Brace yourself for a whole week’s worth of video content from the latest trailers to the biggest gameplay footage. Sit back and relax as we dive into the biggest videos from the week that was. Here’s a taste.

After giving us a taste of their Mad Max game last week, Avalanche opened the gates with the gameplay reveal trailer for the explosive action game, Just Cause 3. Speaking of explosions, I don’t think Michael Bay’s wildest dreams could simulate the amount of explosions going on in the short minute and a half clip.

Monday didn’t stop with the high action of Just Cause 3, as we also got another look at the work Rocksteady is putting into Batman: Arkham Knight. While touching a bit on the story element, the big news came when the trailer revealed that Catwoman, Azrael, Nightwing, and Robin would all have bigger roles this time around. Catwoman, Nightwing, and Robin can also be swapped to during gameplay with a system they’re calling dual-play. Certainly makes fights even more exciting!

I’ve also got new videos for Destiny – House of Wolves, Killer Instinct, Call of Duty: Black Ops III and so much more after the break, so come check out this week’s batch of trailers!

The full list of videos await you after the jump…

Continue reading Saturday Video Round Up: April 26 – May 2

Watch_Dogs Bad Blood DLC Review – A Second Chance


The following post was submitted by GamerCrash. The original can be found here.

It’s been a solid five months since Ubisoft released the open world game, Watch_Dogs, upon the masses and in an effort to update the series a little, its story based DLC, Bad Blood, looks to mix up some things in the main game. While still set in Chicago, Bad Blood seeks to refresh player expectations with new areas and enemies to battle against while still using your phone to manipulate the surrounding area. Introducing a new protagonist, a new story-line, and new activities to do, does Bad Blood hack its way into your heart, or should it be left by the roadside?

Editor’s Note: I’ve done my absolute best to avoid spoilers but certain things I discuss below may delve into spoilerish territory if you’ve yet to play the game fully. Reader beware.

Full review after the jump…

Continue reading Watch_Dogs Bad Blood DLC Review – A Second Chance

Assassin’s Creed Unity Dead Kings Review – Tomb Raiding


The following post was submitted by GamerCrash. The original can be found here.

Dead Kings wasn’t on my list of things to do. After enjoying my time with Unity (even with its issues), I was ready to move on from the game. The story wrapped up, I felt content on where the journey ended, and I put enough time into the side content that I personally felt complete. Things obviously changed when Ubisoft made the decision to serve the added content up for free as a way of saying sorry for the very rough state in which Assassin’s Creed Unity launched. Honestly now, who am I to reject free stuff for a game that I had a good time with?

Also if you’re worried, I’ll try to steer clear of spoilers considering this content takes place after the events of Unity. Your welcome.

After putting time into the DLC, here are my thoughts on the experience. The full post waits for you below the jump.

Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Unity Dead Kings Review – Tomb Raiding