Screenshot by Flickr User: Entertainment Nexus

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Opening + It’s a Jungle Out There (Lum Medal)

What’s this, another video post?  Why, yes.  Yes, it is.  You see, once I finished playing Fragile Dreams, I decided the next game I’d like to record would be Rayman Origins, one of my favorite platformers of all time.  In fact, it’s right up there with the old Donkey Kong Country games on the SNES.  It is that good.  And so I thought I’d start posting videos for that game every week, as well, because I just can’t wait to share the fun with everyone.

This first video consists of the game’s opening (seriously, this is the first time I ever noticed the old granny foaming at the mouth) and the first level of Jibberish Jungle, It’s a Jungle Out There, including the Lum Medal.  I had so much fun recording this video (and those that come after), and I must admit, as much as I liked Fragile Dreams, playing a much more fast-paced game is a lot more exciting.  In this gameplay series, I’m going to get 100% in this challenging platformer, just as I did during my first playthrough several years ago, and I hope to provide helpful tips along the way.  Enjoy!

Video from Youtube User: United WeGame

RayDuck Origins

2 thoughts on “Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Rayman Origins-Opening + It’s a Jungle Out There (Lum Medal)”

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