Tag Archives: Wii U Success

Just when I thought it might be time to turn in the Wii U…


Image by Flickr user wiiu-spiele.com (CC)
Image by Flickr user wiiu-spiele.com (CC)

My relationship with the Wii U has been complicated from the start. When it was first announced, I was confused. When it was first released, I was curious. When its commercials saturated my vision, I was frustrated. When its games trickled out, I was bored, except when it came to Super Mario 3D World, and then I was happy. When I finally got one, I was overjoyed. When I realized it had been sitting on the shelf unused for months, I was upset. And as I am a realist, in the recent past I seriously considered that my days with the Wii U were over.

Continue reading Just when I thought it might be time to turn in the Wii U…

Why Haven’t We Moved On?

Image by Flickr User: Doug Kline (cc)

There’s something different about this generation of home consoles. Not so much in the power or what they can do, but rather in our perception of them. Here we are, almost 10 months since the PS4/Xbox One launched, almost 2 years since the Wii U launched, and we’re still referring to them as “next-gen”. They’re out. They’ve been out awhile. The PS4 has sold over 10 million units; these machines are not “next-gen” anymore, they’re most definitely “current-gen”. Continue reading Why Haven’t We Moved On?