Today’s post is the last of my little glitch series, until I experience enough new ones to write another post about them. Won’t that be nice? Ahem, this time I discuss freezing, quite possibly the worst glitch ever. You can’t work through it. It just happens, and there’s nothing you can do. Nothing. Games never un-freeze. No, of course, not! That would be too tolerable if they unfroze! I hate games that freeze!
Lesser annoying freezing: “Donkey Kong Country 3” is my only glitchy Super Nintendo game. It always gets slow in the lightning level, and one day, I accidentally touched the cartridge when the game was starting up. This caused most of my files to be erased, which was quite upsetting. But, the glitch I am getting to is when I once went into one of the bear’s houses, and the screen suddenly got distorted and froze. Ever since, I’ve been terrified to go in the bear’s places ever again (not that it’s ever been not stressful to walk into a bear’s house)! Fortunately, at least no more freezing has occurred, and it’s my least favorite “DKC” game anyway. Aren’t you proud of the positive spin I put on this glitch? Also, in “Harvest Moon 64”, walking over the bridge was an ordeal (and there weren’t even any bears), as the game would freeze occasionally when you did. It was an evil bridge. Evil. Continue reading Glitches That Involve Freezing and the Rage They Cause