Tag Archives: challenge

What is a Video Game?

Image by Flickr user: daveoratox (cc)

What about a video game actually makes a video game? This might have been an easy question to answer back in the glory days of arcades and Atari, but in our modern era of gaming it’s a question that many of would probably rather shy away. Electronic entertainment comes in so many shapes in forms these days that even determining criteria for a definition could arguably be a task unto itself. However, this amorphous state in which gaming currently resides has presented us with a wonderful opportunity! Indeed we have set before a chance to define them ourselves, and not just games in general, but differences between game and interactive movie, where RPG ends and action game begins, or even what differentiates a “casual” game from a “hardcore” game!

There’s so much to cover here, so, from today through the first week of March, we at UWG have decided to issue a challenge to our fellow game-blogging enthusiasts: define what a video game is to you! We’re asking that they be published with the hashtag #whatisagame, so that it’ll be easier to spread the word and enable readers to find participants’ posts.

What is a video game? Right now it’s exactly what you say, and we can all hardly wait to find out what that is!

Finally Getting Back To It!

Image by Flickr User: clubizarre (cc)

It’s been a week and a half now since we said goodbye to 2014, and I still haven’t quite gotten my head around the fact that the world has turned once again and left us at the bright beginning of a new year (just…wow!). So as you might imagine, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do for the new year. That’s changed now though. You see, a couple weeks ago I posted my “replay” list for Listmas; that is, the list of all the games I’d like to revisit someday. Like most years, the list continued to grow in 2014, because even though we had more problems and controversy than usual, it was still a year filled with plenty of new games worth playing. This new year is looking like it’s going to be even better, so I figured I’d take a page out of Simpleek’s book, and issue myself a challenge. That is, to fully complete at least one game on the replay list each month this year!
Continue reading Finally Getting Back To It!