Screenshot from Flickr User: Redazione

Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 12

Hey there, welcome back to more Youtube-y goodness!  A lot happens in this newest installment of Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.  For once.  Today, I defeat a boss and finally locate the ghostly girl I’ve been searching for.  I am then put on a goofy quest of backtracking madness where I must hunt down a stupid star.  Grr…

Video from Youtube User: United WeGame

Fragile Ducks: Farewell Ducks of the Ducks

4 thoughts on “Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 12”

    1. Cool, it’s good to hear someone’s been watching these. This game is odd, but it ended up being pretty fun. I like games that are different. And it can be found on Amazon, though the prices have gone up since I got it, which is strange.

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