Tag Archives: super meat boy

Ending the “Eh’s”

Image by Flickr User: ted_martens

One of the most frustrating things about being a gamer is falling into the “eh.” mentality. It’s those periods where, no matter how many excellent games are in your library, you simply cannot find a game that you really want to play. It’s not the same as simply not wanting to play games in general. That’s never an issue. If we never took breaks from our favorite hobby, then it would quickly grow tiresome no matter how great the games you’re playing are. No, it’s those times when you really do want to play, but simply cannot figure out what. I can’t say I have a one-size-fits-all way to end the “…eh.”‘s, but there are things I’ve noticed about this situation over the years of my own gaming career. Some help and some hinder; the trick is knowing which is which.

Let’s start with what works.
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