In case you haven’t been following me over at Duck of Indeed (which would be weird), I recently made my very first costume. I very badly wanted to cosplay as the most awesome Kefka from “Final Fantasy VI” at the upcoming comicon, but there were really no good costumes I could buy, leaving me with no choice but to make it myself. As a result, I decided that, if I was going to put so much effort into making a costume, I might as well show it off in a costume contest. And so I did. But, more on that later. Well, I am quite disappointed to say that the comicon is now over and done with, but it was a wonderful experience that I am most excited to share with all of you. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? (And this post is going to be a long one, but there were so many details I didn’t want to leave out. This is also doubling as a bit of a journal entry, so I can remember it in my soul for all eternity.)
I got up early in the morning, as always, and what a busy morning it was. I played some hardcore “Final Fantasy IX”, ate some French toast and bacon, courtesy of my mom’s cooking, and then not long later, it was time to get ready. I was leaving at noon to give myself plenty of time to get there for the prejudging at 2, and so I began getting dressed at 10, which was good, considering it took me far longer to get ready than I was expecting. (Just imagine how long Kefka must take to get ready in the morning.) My hair took absolutely forever, as Kefka has a short ponytail, and since I have long hair and am currently unwilling to cut it, I had to work on kind of folding it in half to make it a bit closer to how it should be. (The feathers stayed in beautifully, though. I just put the ends through the hair bands, and they stayed in super securely.) Then, the makeup took a good deal of time (you need several layers to get the white really white, I found out), as well, and since I didn’t want to practice with the white too much ahead of time and risk running out before the comicon (as I need much more of it than the red), I didn’t know how difficult it was going to be putting the red on over the white (because the white kept flaking off when I did so). But, it still turned out pretty good, nevertheless, and now I just know I want much better quality body paint for next time, as I know there are types out there that are much cleaner and don’t dry out nearly as much. Continue reading The Duck Gets into Show Business