For the first time in my life, I have so many video games that I haven’t had need to replay any of them for quite a while. And yet, for the strangest reason, I have recently had the urge to take a break from my backlog (which involves unplayed games I bought a year or more ago, mind you) and relive some of my older games. The consoles I most want to revisit: the SNES and the GameCube.
It all began the day I found my Super Nintendo was dying, which I didn’t know until I decided I so desperately wanted to play Donkey Kong Country 2 again, after writing a post for my other blog on the top songs from the game. Unable to play the game on its original console, I downloaded it onto the Wii and proceeded to enjoy some DK goodness. After beating it (with 102%, proof that I still have mad-platforming skills), I then decided to play the original Pikmin again, and now I have a mighty urge to download and replay The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. And it’s all very strange, really, because I have not been having much fun with my games lately. I used to love playing new games, but, with the exception of Ni no Kuni on the PS3, the only fun I’ve had lately is when I decide to replay an older game from at least a decade ago. Continue reading Revisiting Old Friends