Tag Archives: united we play

The Two Made One? Windows 10 and the Xbox One.

Although I enjoy watching press conferences from various multimedia and gaming events such as E3 and GDC, I usually take any announcements made at them with more than a few grains of salt. Though I understand the need to keep people interested and playing, many of us can probably recall at least a few instances where the initial hype surrounding a hallowed gaming proclamation fizzled into nothing or became little more than a long-running tease. So when I decided to invest my time into watching the Gamescom 2015 press conferences of Microsoft, EA, and Blizzard, I was ready to be interested but, like any cautious optimist, also skeptical and underwhelmed. Though those facets held out for most of what I heard, I perked up  at Microsoft’s announcement that Windows 10 would be coming to the Xbox One this fall. Hmm…

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