Tag Archives: game sequels

Do You Prepare for Game Sequels?

Image by Flickr user Tamara Evans
Image by Flickr user Tamara Evans

With the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition on the horizon, I’ve been considering if I want to prepare for it or not. By “prepare” I mean play through Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. I had a great time with DA:O, and less fun with DAII, but recently I’ve found myself wanting to play these games again. I want to go into Inquisition mostly sight unseen, so I’ve been avoiding a good deal of its news and rumors. I don’t know that there’s any good reason to play through the previous games – your playable characters don’t carry through the games like they do in, say Mass Effect. But I wouldn’t mind reacquainting myself with the world of Dragon Age before the third game.

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What is so Good About Kingdom Hearts?

Image By Flickr user: mattjerome_88 (cc)

Does anybody else find it a little strange that it’s been over 12 years since the original Kingdom Hearts made it’s debut on the PS2 and we’re still no closer to figuring out what exactly is so good about it?! Continue reading What is so Good About Kingdom Hearts?