Tag Archives: data east

Today in Gaming History: 10/11/2013


2003: Data East bids farewell
BurgerTime, RoboCop, Karate Champ…these are just a few of the incredibly popular arcade games that were created by Data East, a Japanese electronics company founded by Tetsuo Fukuda in 1976. (Fukuda would go on to help create titles in the Metal Max series, as well as a few Guilty Gear games.) While Data East had success with creating their own games, their licensing options were even more fruitful. For example, they licensed  and published a version of Dragon’s Lair for the SNES in 1992. They also licensed and distributed Commando for Capcom.

Continue reading Today in Gaming History: 10/11/2013

Community Post: Co-Op Makes It All Better

Good thing this community post came along because I was running out of ideas.  Okay, so our first community post is about co-op.  I thought I knew what this was, but just to be sure, I checked it out on Wikipedia (I am not big into multiplayer and thus am not overly familiar with all the terms).  It appears my understanding was correct.  Yay.  Okay, co-op.  Cooperative play.  Unlike other forms of multiplayer, this does not involve trying to blow your friend’s brains out, but rather, working together.  As fun as incinerating your friends sounds, co-op has its own appeal.  Sometimes it can be quite fun to actually work together with other people to reach a common goal, instead of trying to prevent someone from achieving victory.  (It’s also not fun when you’re like me, and your friends repeatedly wipe the floor with you.)  Co-op can be quite fun indeed (and it’s the only way I can beat “Super Mario World”), and there is actually something I just realized not long ago about it.  Co-op, in some cases, actually has the ability to make bad games good.

Take a SNES game you have likely never heard of called “Joe and Mac”.  This game involves controlling this caveman or cavemen through a bunch of levels, killing dinosaurs and Neanderthals.  The game can be pretty darn annoying, and it doesn’t help that there are no save points.  Plus, some of the sound effects and creature designs were just plain creepy.  (And I could just never get over the fact that Joe and/or Mac regain health from the meat left over by the Neanderthals.  Isn’t that cannibalism?)  Despite disliking the game, I’ve kept it because it is a good challenge.  Nevertheless, I still really very much don’t like it at all. Continue reading Community Post: Co-Op Makes It All Better