After reading Mr. Hatm0nster’s post on the video game, Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues, I was reminded of my experience with another game on the SNES, titled simply Jurassic Park. For a decade and more I was plagued by this game. You see, it was among several SNES games I own that have no save points whatsoever, and since I don’t usually have a long enough attention span for such games, it was quite a long time before I ever completed any of them. And then, surely due to some inexplicable desire for pain, I decided to force myself to suffer through the entirety of Porky Pig’s Haunted Holiday, another game lacking in save points that had terrorized my existence for many years. I spent an entire evening trudging through this festival of horrors, all while eating goldfish crackers and listening to my cat snore. It was a long and trying affair, but I finally defeated the final boss and reigned victorious. With my conquest complete, I decided to set my sights on the one other game that had plagued me since ducklinghood. The SNES adaptation of Jurassic Park. Continue reading The Day I Lost My Reliance on Save Points