If you’ve not yet checked out all the great posts in UWG’s “guilty pleasure” games community posts, then be sure to take a few clicks back to see what fun we’ve been having in recalling the best of the worst (of the best) since April 1st! And share with us your favorite games that you hate to love and love to love no matter what anyone else says!
The following article was adapted from a post published on Recollections of Play, April 16, 2013.
Me and Earthworm Jim, we go back…like waaaay back to almost the beginning. I never played the original Sega Earthworm Jim game in 1994, but I did, with all the inane trappings of maniacal glee, play the version that was ported to the SNES in 1995. If games followed movie genres, it was one of the earliest “comedies” I played. The premise was entirely hilarious (earthworm finds spacesuit, becomes a force for good, fights of the likes of Bob the Killer Goldfish and Professor Monkey-For-A-Head to save Prince What’s-Her-Name), and the platforming/shooting/collecting action was beautiful. It was simply a fantastic game. Its sequel, Earthworm Jim 2 was even more fantastically ridiculous and fun. With the release of these games, there was also a short-lived but brilliant Earthworm Jim cartoon.
It was my favoritest.
So, to say I looked forward to the release of Earthworm Jim 3D in 1999 is a bit in an understatement. Continue reading Community Post: Earthworm Jim 3D — If loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right