Creative Pack

There’s more to gaming than blogging.  There’s, well, gaming.  There’s also the work made by the fans themselves, such as fan art and fan fiction.  So if reading posts is not quite enough to get your gaming fix, check out the links below for more gaming goodness.

And to make this page great, we need your help adding links to it.  Have a fan art or fan fiction account or links to some other creative endeavor?  We’d love to add it.


Please Take One: Behold Chip’s collection of video game brochures, cards, and promotional materials!


Development Diaries

Under the Top: Michael-Kopp Jones has written a blog chronicling his game-making process.  Check his blog out using the two links below, and click here for a better description written by the author himself.



Fan Art

Hatm0nster: Check out Hatm0nster’s fan art account on Deviant Art!

Adam Foreman: Adam (“A4man”) is a talented illustrator, animator, and graphic designer. His fun and vibrant works are based on games that he’s currently playing. He also runs a great blog, and some of his art is available for purchase through his shop. Adam works on commission too, and you can contact him at [email protected].

Fan Fiction

Duckofindeed: Click here to visit the Duck’s account.


DannerShow: Video game reviews; come check out a review on “Sonic Unleashed” here:

The Duck of Indeed also has a lovely Youtube channel, currently home to a few goofy gameplay videos.  Check it out here!

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