
About United We Game

United We Game is cooperative blog built on the ideals of community and strength in numbers. This is a place for game bloggers to network and collaborate with their peers, find inspiration for their own writing, and to help their efforts to build awareness for themselves as a blogger and gain attention for their own blog.

This blog was born of a collaborative effort between wordpress.com bloggers Cary, The Duck Of Indeed, and Hatm0nster, whom after discovering the enjoyment to be had in working together, developed United We Game to extend the fun (and the benefits) of cooperation to other games bloggers.

This is a site meant to benefit all who participate, but for more details you’ll have to look at our FAQs page. (Or just email us at [email protected])

About the Admins


Before United We Game, Hatm0nster was blogging for 1.5 years over at their blog My Two Caps (which is now no more). He’s been gaming since the days of the SNES and enjoys talking about games as much he does playing them. He currently tolerates his day to day work since it enables him to continue gaming  (as well as remaining fed and sheltered), but is working towards a career somewhere in the games journalism sector. He enjoys writing about our common gaming experiences and all the wonderful things about gaming that keep us playing

His time for gaming is limited now, but that makes it all the more special right?

Hatmonster’s Most Anticipated Games for 2014:

Dragon Age: Inquisition  and Destiny (they’re going to be so good!)


Cary is a relative newcomer to the world of disseminating thoughts in electronic form. She’s been running her own blog, Recollections of Play, since late 2011 and has contributed articles to At the Buzzer and DISK READ ERROR. She’s an avid gamer who is more than thrilled to now be associated with United We Game. By day, she maintains herself with the utmost composure at a regular job. By night, she madly plays the latest and greatest of video games! Er…well, maybe not the “greatest,” and…uh, hardly the “latest.” And…yeah, gaming really only happens when time permits [sigh]. But still! When she isn’t gaming, she’s probably writing about games, or watching something about games, or perhaps just thinking about games. With her UWG cohorts, she’ll be supplying various articles on gaming. From recalling of past events to ranting about current issues, nothing, when it comes to video games, is off limits.

The Duck of Indeed

The Duck of Indeed has been playing video games for over a decade now and writing about them for a couple years.  Even before that, she used to watch her parents play, so video games have pretty much always been a part of her life in some shape or form.  The Duck just loves video games, and her favorite series include “Zelda”, “Metroid”, “Ratchet and Clank”, “Jak and Daxter”, “Kingdom Hearts”, and “Final Fantasy”.

When the Duck is not gaming, she is writing, doing a bad job playing the piano, or working on another blog called The Duck of Indeed.

About Our Fellow Contributors

(to be added as contributors are added)


Chip –   Games I Made My Girlfriend Play

Chip has been playing video games since the rambunctious age of four, when his father first brought home a Nintendo Entertainment System.  Nearly all of his adolescence was spent in front of the television, playing games with his siblings.  This obsession with virtual worlds followed Chip to college, where he was delighted to discover new friends who actually wanted to discuss games and their impact, in addition to playing copious amounts of them.  Chip loves to talk about the joy of video games with anyone who will listen, and he firmly believes that the best gaming experiences are shared with others.
He and his wife, Laura, blog about their mutual video game joys, gripes, and everything in between at Games I Made My Girlfriend Play
CynenwayA Life With Cyn
Cynenway is a girl who has been raised as a nerd from the very moment she was born. From that moment on, video games and Star Trek were an integral part of her programming. Or life, whichever way it’s supposed to be phrased. She helps her family run their local comic book shop. Her favorite game has to be Lord of the Rings Online, which is how she ended up running Telcontar en i’ Numen, a blog for her kin filled with various stories set in that plane of existence. Her two favorite gaming series are Silent Hill and Rune Factory (they obviously have so much to do with each other).
Her love and passion remain with writing, and whenever someone else enjoys it, it is simply pure bonus.
Dean Mozian Name Bar

Dean Mozian www.iamdean.net

Dean grew up in New York and studied film at Emerson College in Boston.  He moved to Los Angeles in 2008 to work in the film industry.  In 2014 his job moved him back to New York where he currently resides playing video games, listening to music and eating the hell outta food.


DerekGamer Crash

Derek has been a gaming enthusiast since he was little when his parents brought home a NES system. Little did they know the world they had unlocked for him. Growing up mainly on Nintendo systems, Derek has since broadened his gaming selections to basically whatever he can get his hands on. You can find him now a days acting as Editor-In-Chief over at https://www.GamerCrash.com, created back in July 2010, where he provides his opinion on just about everything including some insight on the latest news, game reviews, and everything else in between. So stay a while and have a look around! Glad you’re here.

DinaDina Farmer

Dina is a full time gaming mom.  Video games entered her life at a young age and she has been gaming well over a decade or two.  She  enjoys gaming with her family.  Dina is a newcomer to gaming journalism and she has been running her own blog Dina Farmer since 2015.  Her favorite series comes from her favorite developer BioWare, Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
Although as a parent her time for gaming is limited she still enjoys a couple of hours on a weekend.
Rob – Zero to Indie
Rob woke up one morning and decided that he wanted to become an indie game developer. Ignoring such paltry setbacks like “Never Made a Game Before in His Life”, he set himself on the path of developing his first games, and taking his first tentative steps into the industry. Having been blogging on and off for years, the natural inclination was to start writing about it.
Thus, Zero to Indie was born, where Rob shares his thoughts on the industry, on indie games, and documents his possibly disastrous quest to join the ranks of the indie game community.

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KookyKooky’s Save Point

Kooky is a Hong Kong-based college student most of the time, but does freelance writing work and runs a couple of YouTube channels on the side. However foreign her background may seem, her gaming history isn’t at all. Like many out there, she was exposed to video games at an early age thanks to the Famicom, and since then has continued her adventures on various platforms including the Game Boy, the PlayStations 1 & 2, the Nintendo DS, the PlayStation Portable, PC and iOS devices.

Kooky plays games in both English and Japanese, and particularly enjoys anything with action, a good story and/or awesome music. She created her blog, Kooky’s Save Point, to practice her writing skills while expressing her opinions on the pastime she loves and to meet others with similar interests. Feel free to give her a poke on Twitter or leave a comment on her blog, because she would love to hear from you!


Nidge– Nialls Ramblings

My friends call me Nidge, i’m 22, by day I work in retail in England, by night you’ll  find me gaming, writing and reading, especially comic books which I started to get into a couple of years ago.
Hero: Tony Stark
Gaming Heaven: Mass Effect
Gaming Hell: No such thing
Food Heaven: Strawberry yoghurts and Dip Dabs
Food Hell: Fish, fish, and more fish.

I started gaming at a very young age, I think I was about five and I had an N64, since those days of Super Mario 64 and Donkey Kong I have never looked back! I own an Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, N64, Ps2, Playstation, Xbox, and a Sega Megadrive, yes, I like collecting..
My biggest gaming regret is that still to this day I’ve never properly gamed on PC, something that I would like to change sooner rather than later!

Hack 'n Slash logo

PredatoureHack N Slash

Hello I’m Predatoure, otherwise known as Josh. I’m 23, live in the UK and love writing and playing videogames. I started my own blog in October 2014 as a hobby, before gaining enough confidence to share my writing with others. My first gaming memory is playing Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Megadrive, and today I remain an avid fan of the platformer genre. I also enjoy hack ‘n’ slash games (no surprises there), as well as third person shooters and other niche titles. If I were to list my 5 favourite games of all time, the list would probably include the following games: Metal Gear Solid 3, Sonic 2, Dark Souls, Dead Space 2 and Bayonetta. Feel free to send me a message on twitter https://twitter.com/predatoure


rainmaker97Pixel Bubble

A Canadian student who enjoys sports, music, video games, and all of the other things you like, rainmaker97 felt the need to express his unpopular opinions in a public forum and so took to the world of blogging. He’s been operating his personal video game blog, Pixel Bubble, since July 2012. He’s curmudgeonly and irascible beyond his years, but he’s only so negative because the game industry truly means a lot to him, and he’s developed some pretty lofty standards. Cut him a little slack, and tell him he’s wrong! He loves the feedback.

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simpleek’s gaming history doesn’t stretch as far back as most of her fellow bloggers on UWG. Sure, she maybe played a game or two of the classics like Mario, Mortal Kombat, and Aladdin back when she was just a little girl, but simpleek did not become a full gamer until 2009 and hasn’t looked back since.

The type of video games that attract simpleek the most are anything with good characters, well-written stories, and are just plain fun. Navigating the big and wide world of video games has been overwhelming, but luckily she has friends both in real life and online who are kind enough to guide her through it. Most of the games simpleek plays now are based mainly on recommendations. She trusts the taste of the gaming experts she knows.

Outside of writing for UWG, simpleek runs her own blog where she talks video games, anime, manga, and fashion. You are bound to find something you want to read on her blog. simpleek is also a member of the newly formed Geek Force Network along with other familiar geeks. Read new posts on her own blog on Monday evenings and new posts at GFN on Tuesday evenings.

8 thoughts on “About United We Game”

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