
(Mario) Partying with 1hour1sketch!

Last month, United We Game got together with the creative minds behind @1hour1sketch and offered up the topic “Mario Party,” which was hosted for one week on the art-directed Twitter site. During that week, response to the topic was fast and furious…and utterly AMAZING! Seriously, it was incredible to see so many different interpretations on a single idea, and we really appreciate everyone who contributed to the effort. If you’re not doing so already, please to follow @1hour1sketch on Twitter to keep up with all the great artwork that’s being submitted there. And while you’re at it, say hello to A4man (@AdsTra) and Fredrik Skarstedt (@Fredrik_S), the proprietors of the 1hour1sketch project.

(If you missed out on this initially or are wondering what the heck is going on, check out our posts here and here about this group effort.)

One of the things we promised in this collaboration was that we’d feature all submitted drawings here on the site. Well…welcome to that very post! We’re so very happy to present the “Mario Party” inspired drawings that were submitted on Twitter. As you’re going through them, if you’re interested in learning more about any of the artists, just click on their linked Twitter handles (and why not follow them too!).

Now, we know that 1hour1sketch is about being efficiently creative and everyone who submits sketches is a winner. But since we like making lists here on UWG, we decided to pick our top three favorites. We felt that these three both reflected the “Mario Party” theme as well as the ideas behind the 1hour1sketch project. Understanding that this is all in fun and good nature, and the “winners” receive no compensation other than our awe and compliments, our top three picks are:

 Wario’s Party Bummer
Sketch by Landon Armstrong (Twitter: @LandauArt)

Wario's Party Bummer

Too Good at Mario Party
Sketch by Joe Tran (Twitter: @SkyRockets0023)

Too Good at Mario Party

Sketch by A4man (Twitter: @AdsTra)


Our compliments and thanks extend to everyone who sent in a “Mario Party” drawing. Please enjoy the full gallery of all the other drawings that were sent in, and be sure to keep an eye on both UWG and @1hour1sketch, for this may not be the last time you see us together!

(All image copyrights are retained by the artists who willingly submitted them to @1hour1sketch. We are posting them here with permission from the project and claim no ownership of them.)

 Wario Party
Sketch by Crabby (Twitter: @CrabbyDarth)

Wario Party

After the Mario Party
Sketch by jakemix (Twitter: @jakemix)

After the Mario Party

Sketch by Fredrik Skarstedt (Twitter: @Fredrik_S


Party Tanooki
Sketch by Fredrik Skarstedt (Twitter: @Fredrik_S

Party Tanooki

 Bring the Party
Sketch by CJ .L-Digital (Twitter: @DigitalCHEM1ST

I Bring The Party

 May the Odds Ever Be in Your Favour
Sketch by Roamin’ (Twitter: @Roamin_

May the odds be ever in your favour

Sketch by Roamin’ (Twitter: @Roamin_


 Partying with Mario and Donkey Kong
Sketch by David Doubell (Twitter: @DDOUBELL

Partying with Mario and Donkey Kong

 Mario and Yoshi
Sketch by A4man (Twitter: @AdsTra)

Mario and Yoshi

Mario with Balloon
Sketch by A4man (Twitter: @AdsTra)

Mario with Balloon

Mario Party Gone Bad
Sketch by Ben Griffin (Twitter: @realfunfuneral)

Mario party gone bad

 Arrevederci Mario
Sketch by The 3feet Factory (Twitter: @the3feetfactory)

Arrevederci Mario

 The Mario Party
Sketch by Tom Dorsey (Twitter: @Animockery)

The Mario Party

Sketch by Tony Loughran (Twitter: @Rockos_Mod_Art)


Thanks for checking out the Mario Party gallery! If you were inspired by what you saw here, then submit your own Mario Party drawing to @1hour1sketch, or one on any of a number of different topics that have been posted there since the project started.

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