
News Byte: The Ouya Slated to be in Target Stores Nationwide


News Byte: The Ouya Slated to be in Target Stores Nationwide

The little game system that could, the Ouya, will soon be available in Target stores nationwide. Having been only available in select stores, this move gives the game system a national identity. Is this what the Ouya needs to succeed? Or is it doomed to a fate worse than being placed among a store’s “heavily discounted” items?

Source: Polygon

(Below you can stream the recording or right-click on the icon and select “Save Link As” to download it.)


3 thoughts on “News Byte: The Ouya Slated to be in Target Stores Nationwide”

  1. I’m so glad that everyone keeps reporting on this. It makes me feel like there’s a lot of people out there that are excited for this to happen and are willing to invest in this console as I am. Still excited! :)

    1. Yeah, I’m still happy that the Ouya hasn’t met oblivion. There’s hope yet! Still haven’t convinced myself to get one, but it’ll be cool to see it in my Target.

    2. Even if it’s small, a legitimate third party console is a BIG deal! Hopefully the OUYA is just a precursor of things to come. :)

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