Tag Archives: World of Warcraft

Why MMO’s?

Image by Flickr User: JBLivin (cc) found yourself wondering what it would be like to actually live in the worlds of some of your favorite games?

I’ve been a console gamer for almost my entire experience with the medium, only venturing onto PC for the odd RPG or Steam deal. I also played Runescape for all of 3 months before dropping it in favor of jumping onto the Xbox 360 to join the Halo bandwagon. So, I admittedly have very little experience with MMORPGs. I’ve always thought about fixing that and trying to go back on and try one since so many other gamers out there seem to enjoy them.  However something stops me every time before I get too far with that thought, a notion that I simply cannot ignore: They just don’t sound very fun! Continue reading Why MMO’s?