Well here we are, a week out from the conclusion of PAX Prime 2013 and the excitement hasn’t died down yet. I’ve wanted to share this one since I got back, but have had to wait as daily life took its course. I’m talking about Mist of Stagnation, the newest game being developed by Osiris Studios. Mist of Stagnation aims to cross the RTS and FPS genres in steampunk flavored, online competitive multiplayer. It’s something that’s never been done before and if the current state of the game is any indication, then it looks like Osiris is just the studio to pull it off. While at PAX I not only had the chance to try the game, but also to speak with Paul, one of the developers . Needless to say, he made a strong case for why Mist of Stagnation is a title gamers should put on their watch list.
Continue reading Mist Of Stagnation: RTS, FPS, and Goggles