Tag Archives: shamwood

Overlooked: Shamwood

Image by Flickr User: Rolo Tanedo Jr.
Image by Flickr User: Rolo Tanedo Jr.

You may remember a post I wrote about a rather monotonous game called “Quest 64”. It is truly one of the most boring games in existence (even worse than “Chain of Memories”), but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its secrets. Like all secrets, this one took me a while to find out about. Nevertheless, there had always been a location of the game that just seemed strange to me. Because every time I played this game, I always wondered why the desert was so darn big. If you wander about Dindom Dries, you will reach a part of the desert that consists of nothing but an endless expanse of dunes, while the map fades away to nothing. Of course, I knew the desert couldn’t really go on forever, but there were times I’d try to see where I’d end up if I just started walking, and I never got anywhere. It would always just get to a point where, no matter how long you walked forward, you would never get any farther from what lay behind. Continue reading Overlooked: Shamwood