Tag Archives: adult

From the Console’s Perspective: The Onset of Middle Age

Ever wondered what life might look like from the perspective of a video game console? No? Uh…oh. Is it weird that I have? Don’t answer that. Instead, blissfully follow me in this three-part series where I imagine how the trappings for humanity might appear to a game console. Could be any game console, maybe that game console you’re staring at right now. Yep, that very one.

Finally, you’re an adult with adult responsibilities. Deal with it.

Image by Flickr user  Cyril Vallée.
Image by Flickr user Cyril Vallée

It’s quiet here.


Everyone’s at work and its quiet. I wish it was a peaceful quiet that I felt, but in reality, I feel disquieted, concerned, uneasy. It’s been several weeks since anyone has stopped. Stopped to pay attention. Stopped to play a game.

*more crickets*

Y’know what’s really crazy? Despite that fact that I keep hearing how nobody around here has any time to play, the number of games on the shelf over there keeps growing! It’s just mean to keep teasing like that. Sure, you see a game you want to play on sale somewhere and it’s easy enough to buy it, but you don’t think for one moment about how that makes me feel, do you? I see the new game and get all exciting thinking that after weeks of silence I’m finally going to get to fulfill my entire reason for being! But no, the game just sits there while you run around like mad! What good does that do anyone??

Continue reading From the Console’s Perspective: The Onset of Middle Age