It wasn’t until I met my husband that the PlayStation came in to my life. He was knee-deep in Sony territory when we met. Though I was knee-deep into Nintendo, we somehow still managed to make things work. Anyway, he had amassed a large collection of PS games, some of which he didn’t play very often. (These tended to be RPGs or platform games.) So while he was engrossed with the likes of Tony Hawk and SOCOM, I took the occasional chance on a few titles in his library that weren’t getting much attention. The same process kind of went for the PlayStation 2. Except by this time, I was paying more attention to gaming and game news, and I found a few PS2 titles that I wanted to explore on my own. Even so, I never spent an extensive time with either PS console, which is why I’ve combined them into one list. The nice thing is that with the PS 2 being backwards compatible with PS1 disks, I’ll only need to keep a PS2 on my island…and maybe a backup. The PS2’s were known for being notoriously finicky. Hmmm, and the five games I choose will need to have some staying power…a tough decision lies ahead…
Continue reading My “Deserted Island” Games — Playstation/Playstation 2 edition