Images captured by: Hatm0nster
Dragon Age: Inquisition was a game that I felt really didn’t need any dlc add-ons. By itself, the game is absolutely bursting with things to do and locations to explore. The story is well-told, and I even felt like I got enough time to really get to know most of my inner-circle. The game also didn’t really leave any threads hanging; none of the party had anything that still needed to be tied up, and my own Inquisitor’s journey felt like it had reached its logical conclusion. However, I can’t say “no” to the chance to spend more time in a Bioware game. I was more than happy to spend the money and put my Inquisitor boots once more once all the planned dlc had been launched, albeit with a quiet hope that it wouldn’t wind up being a waste of time in the end.
I made my first on this dlc trek at the Jaws of Hakkon, a story segment that had previously been exclusive to the Xbox One. This portion of the story takes place shortly after the end of main game, and finds our Inquisitor seeking to solve the mystery of what became of the original Inquisitor after they disappeared over 800 years ago. This mystery takes us to a new region called the “Frostback Basin” and introduces us to a new enemy faction known as the “Jaws of Hakkon”. The environment is just as packed with side-missions and secrets to find as the rest of Thedas, so there’s plenty to do if you’re someone who enjoys ferreting out hidden loot and secrets. Inquisitors are also given access to a new Rift ability called “Aegis of the Rift”. It’s essentially a bubble-shield that can be used to deflect all enemy projectiles and even eventually fire them back! The most important piece of this dlc though is revelation that’s unraveled as we seek the first Inquisitor. I won’t spoil it here, but I will say that it’s important knowledge to have for any Dragon Age fan. All in all, I had fun with this addition. However, if you’re like me and you’re mostly here for the story and lore, then I would recommend waiting for a price drop. The story and lore was interesting, but there was just a bit too much busy-work for it to be worth the current asking price.

After quelling the Jaws of Hakkon, I made my onwards to the Descent. This story can take place at any time during Inquisition, and has the Inquisitor and Co. investigating the source of mysterious earthquakes that have not only disrupted lyrium mining, but have also rent the earth deeply enough to expose a new section of the Deep Roads to the surface. Like the Jaws of Hakkon, we’re given a new region to explore; specifically, we’re given six levels of the Deep Roads to wander around in. We also see the return of the Darkspawn into the spotlight as the headlining enemy faction. I thought this was cool, but they don’t actually anything new to the combat. Any tactics that worked against every other enemy faction will work just as well against the Darkspawn. It wasn’t as tedious navigating the Deep Roads as it was trying to get around the Frostback Basin, and there was only one real side-quest offered. Having just one side-quest helped the add-on feel more focused, but that quest basically just amounted to gathering shards and thus lost its appeal rather quickly. Like its predecessor, the most important piece of this add-on is the lore we’re tasked with uncovering. Unfortunately though, it does not offer all that much in terms of significance. Fans might find some value in the questions it raises about lyrium and the foundation of the world, but none of it matters to your own story. Don’t expect any resolution to those questions either, because the game is quite content with leaving them unanswered. Unless you want some high-level gear, I’d say you’re safe passing up on taking the Descent.

After returning from the Descent, it was time to wrap things up with Trespasser. This final addition picks up 2 years after the main story concludes. It’s incredible just how willing Thedas is to forget that the world nearly ended, and that that the peace they’ve been enjoying all this time was only won by the Inquisition achieving the impossible. So of course both Ferelden and Orlais have replaced their respect for the accomplishments of the Inquisition with fear of its formidable army. What will the ultimate fate of the Inquisition be? Well, that’s what we’re here to decide.
Trespasser is an add-on in the same vein as Mass Effect 3’s Citadel expansion. It’s one last chance to spend time with your inner circle and have one more adventure with them. Unlike Citadel though, Trespasser is not meant to simply be a fun romp with your buddies. There’s still evil afoot, and of course it’s something that only the Inquisitor is capable of handling. As a result, we really don’t get to do as much ‘catching up’ in Trespasser as we did in Citadel. Some party members get a fun scene, but most encounters amount to a brief conversation. As the story progresses, you’re given other opportunities to talk to your circle, but they never have any new dialogue options. Not a single phrase offered on what’s going on unless you happen to have them out in the field with you. A bit of a missed opportunity I’d say. The environments on display here are perhaps the most interesting of all the expansions. Trespasser takes us to the Crossroads (a realm between the real world and the fade), the Deep Roads, and many forgotten elven ruins. It all ties into the lore and revelations offered throughout this story. I won’t spoil it here, but we’ll just say that the revelations made in Trespasser are potentially earth-shattering; very important knowledge for those who enjoy the world of Thedas!

Just like in the previous expansions, there’s plenty of combat to be had here; though at this point it’s starting to feel like it’s starting to wear thin. I didn’t have much trouble with it per-say, but I couldn’t help but feel like it was mostly there to drag things out. The new enemies behave just like others we’ve seen in the past, and it always felt like there was just one wave too many. One nice thing about it is that we’re given a final rift ability to play around with. It’s basically the ability to trigger a big ‘ol green explosion while also rendering your part invulnerable! It didn’t keep the combat from getting old, but was fun nonetheless.
Trespasser has its hits and misses, but I believe it does turn out to be a worthwhile addition to the game. The history revealed is fascinating in its implications; the epilogue after you complete it gives some much needed closure (even if the text scrolls by a bit too fast); and the new rift ability succeeds, at least for a while, in freshening up a combat system that’s long since gone stale for high-level characters. If you’d like to return to Dragon Age: Inquisition, but only want the best of the dlc, then Trespasser is the best way to step back into your Inquisitor’s boots.
Anyone else out their play through all the dlc? Which was your favorite?