I used to be quite the game hoarder. Once I got a game, I would usually never get rid of it, no matter how bad it was. It probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but I worried that a day would come where I would’ve played all my good games too recently to play over again and still enjoy them, and in order to continue my daily gaming, I would have no choice but to go back and play my bad games. But, at least I’d have something to play. Back then, for me, playing a bad game was better than playing no games at all. And I think another reason why I used to engage in such nonsense was because, when I first started gaming, I didn’t have many games, and so I couldn’t afford to get rid of anything, or else I would have no choice but to replay the same few games over and over again or become quite game deprived, a rather grim fate indeed. And so, with this past need to cling to any game I could get my hands on, no matter how dreadful, I used to really not understand how people could get rid of their games unless they were really bad.
But, I get it now. I don’t know why I didn’t before, but it all makes sense to me now, and I no longer understand why I would ever actually want to keep bad games. I think I must’ve grown up a bit, because it no longer seems worth it to me to waste my time playing bad games, especially now that I have so many good ones. In fact, whenever I get a new batch of particularly good games now, it always inspires me to go through my game collection and get rid of a few I no longer want. Especially lately, I’ve been in quite the mood to thin my collection out to only include the better games, ever since I bought a whole bunch of the old “Final Fantasy” games, and it was after the completion of “Final Fantasy VI” that I even started to get rid of games I never thought I’d actually give up. Because it made me realize, after playing such wonderful games like “FFVI”, how can I ever go back to the bad ones? Once you’ve played some really amazing games, it’s no longer easy to tolerate the cruddy ones.
And there is one other reason for my recent urge to clean up my collection, the reason cited by most people for why they don’t bother playing bad games, a lack of time. I used to have copious amounts of time to play games, and so wasting a few hours here and there playing something awful really made no difference. But, more recently, I’ve run into a time shortage, and so it is far more wasteful than it ever was before to spend time on anything I don’t thoroughly enjoy. And so, that fact, coupled with my already satisfactory collection of games, has really motivated me to cut back on my game collection. So, whenever I decide to clean up my collection a bit, I now ask myself, if I’m busy one day, and I only have a small window of time to play a game, would I want to spend that time playing this game? If the answer is no, there’s a pretty good chance that it will end up in my sell-pile, and I’ve now cleaned out from my collection a good number of games I never would’ve originally gotten rid of.
So I guess this is a rather weird post, but I think as I’ve grown older, I’ve learned some important lessons. Life is too short (well, I think life is a bit too long, but when it comes to the time spent doing what you love, those times are certainly too short) to waste on things you don’t enjoy, including boring games. (Like “Chain of Memories”. Oh my gosh, that game is brutal.) There are so many better games out there, so why waste time on stuff like that? I’ve also learned there are more important things in life (I know, duh). It’s not that I don’t love playing video games, but I recently learned that, after having such a wonderful time at the comicon just the other week, I have other good things in my life to focus on, that I no longer need video games and video games only, you know. I should’ve known this long ago, but it wasn’t until fairly recently that such a thing really hit me. Because, you see, video games have always been a rather big part of my life, quite possibly too big (definitely too big), but as the years have gone by, and as I’ve grown up, I’ve realized that gaming isn’t everything, and so if a day comes that I’ve sold all my bad games and have nothing whatsoever to play, that’s fine. This is a hobby I don’t plan on giving up; I just know now that games aren’t everything. This new realization doesn’t make them any less important to me, but in actuality, really only makes them better, because it’s no longer the shallow pastime where I would mindlessly play anything that happened to be lying around. I now only want to spend my time with games that really matter to me, with games that are meaningful, because those are the games that make gaming worthwhile in the first place.
So, as the title of this post says, I get it. I get a lot of things now. I get that, in order to improve your life and make room for the good, you need to give up a few things, but you don’t even need to give up what you care about in order to make your life better, because we tend to, frankly, have many things competing for our attention that we wouldn’t really miss if it was gone. We think we need these things, and so we hold onto them for years, but a day eventually comes where we realize, if this was gone, I think my life would actually be better off, not worse. If you get rid of the bad things, it only makes it easier to focus on and enjoy the good. And I wonder, now that I know this, if my next years as a gamer will be the best yet.
Duck, Master of Stating, and Writing Posts About, the Obvious
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It’s funny how much your perspective can change as you get older isn’t it? For me there was a time when a weekend without games was a weekend wasted. But now, now going without isn’t that bad a thing. Games have gone from “the” thing to do to “a” thing to do….hmm.
As for keeping bad games vs. getting rid of them. I’m still a bit of a hoarder. I suppose it’s because it’s fun to have a collection, but you do have a point: there’s no much sense in hanging onto games that you know you’ll never play again.
I’m still at a point where I want to find time for gaming every day, but it is far more important now what I play than it used to be. With limited time, playing games that are worth my time matters more than ever, and it’s actually a bit satisfying watching my collection thin out a bit so that only the best games are left over.
So basically, I may have less time to game, but it’s now more quality time than it ever was before.
I been feeling the same way, I have a nice collectiong of games and I always thought that I would be able to play all of them eventually but I’ve come to a point where maybe I dont actually have the time to really play all of them.
Part of me still wants to hold on to them but maybe its time to part ways with a few of them and let other people enjoy them.
I have a huge backlog of games, and I don’t know when I’ll ever have a chance to play all of them, especially when I keep adding to it. I won’t get rid of any games I haven’t yet played, but I have been much more picky about what games I buy now, as I am limited on the time I have to play them and the money I have to buy them.
My perspective is changing a bit as well. I had felt the same way to the point where if I didn’t play SOMETHING that day, I felt like it was a wasted opportunity. I still love playing games, but I’m slowly realizing that if I miss a day or two without playing something, it’s not a big deal.
Plus, I’m finding my free time isn’t quite as big as it once was so adjusting isn’t so much optional as it is a requirement these days.
I’ll never give up gaming but it’s not the end of the world if something else comes up preventing my from playing.
Indeed, I’ll never stop gaming, either, but since I have less time to do it, I just have to make sure that when I do have time to play, I only play the best games. I no longer have time to waste on bad games anymore like I used to. If a game’s not worth my time, I may as well sell it.
I guess I’m not the sentimental type, because I’ve hardly kept any games over long periods of time. As a kid, though our parents bought us some games (or we bought them with our allowances), we rented lots of games from our local video store or borrowed them from friends. So to an outsider, it might have *looked* like we had LOTS of games, but we really didn’t. Nowadays, I still rent or borrow when I can. Of the games I actually buy, my collection gets evaluated every year; if I am not truly interested in playing a certain game, it gets traded or sold.
If I had a huge collection of games now, I think I’d feel ridiculously guilty for not being able to play them. Now…if someone would pay me a living wage to simply play all the games that I had and then some…that would be a different story. :)
I get quite attached to my games, and I can’t rent because I’ll be sad to give it up, like I’m giving up the time spent with it, as well. It’s hard to get rid of my games, even the bad ones, because of the memories I have of them. But, now that I have so many games, it gets easier to get rid of the bad games because it feels like it enhances the good ones by narrowing my collection down only to my favorites. In short, I think I’m quite sentimental indeed.