As far as game peripherals go, the Oculus Rift is kind of cool but still kind of out there. Last week, Oculus VR announced that the virtual reality headset is going to start its run as an actual consumer product early next year. With E3 a month away, this device is sure to garner plenty of attention at the event. In my house, talk of obtaining an Oculus Rift is, well…happening, but not in a serious way. As cool as the device sounds, there’s nothing that make it a “must buy,” not for us anyway. Because the last time we bought into something gimmicky that was game-related, we picked up a 3D TV and couple games that were 3D-compatible. You know how many times we’ve played 3D games on our 3D TV? Zero. Unless you count the initial trial in which we had to see if it actually worked. Then I guess you could say we’ve got thirty minutes of 3D gameplay under our belts. So worth the money we shelled out.