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Assassin’s Creed has always held a soft spot in my heart. Bringing historical fiction in line with engaging gameplay is one of the many reasons why I love this franchise. Being able to set foot in places you only read about in history books is just thrilling for me, I mean, where else can you explore Renaissance Italy and bump elbows with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci or Cesare Borgia?
While the first game had some rough patches, I was in love from the moment I climbed up my first tower in Jerusalem. That same affection only increased as the Ezio trilogy kicked off and I was treated to such locales as Rome, Venice, Florence, and Constantinople to name a few. Sure, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing but for a quick history fix, nothing could satisfy me quite like the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Then came Assassin’s Creed III. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Impressions Or How The Franchise Won Me Back