Tag Archives: Edward kenway

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Impressions Or How The Franchise Won Me Back

Screenshot from Ubisoft press site
Screenshot from Ubisoft press site

(click here to navigate to the original post on GamerCrash.com)

Assassin’s Creed has always held a soft spot in my heart. Bringing historical fiction in line with engaging gameplay is one of the many reasons why I love this franchise. Being able to set foot in places you only read about in history books is just thrilling for me, I mean, where else can you explore Renaissance Italy and bump elbows with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci or Cesare Borgia?

While the first game had some rough patches, I was in love from the moment I climbed up my first tower in Jerusalem. That same affection only increased as the Ezio trilogy kicked off and I was treated to such locales as Rome, Venice, Florence, and Constantinople to name a few. Sure, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing but for a quick history fix, nothing could satisfy me quite like the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Then came Assassin’s Creed III. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Impressions Or How The Franchise Won Me Back