Most of my very first gaming experiences came on the PC platform, i can still remember the good old days of Command And Conquer, The Sims, and Football Manager, at the time most PC games were quite some way ahead of the gaming console technology at the time, then one Christmas i was bought a Nintendo 64, and for me it all changed, since then i’ve never looked back, and pretty much played exclusively on consoles with the odd stint playing Football Manager on my laptop being the only exception, but over the last couple of years we’ve seen a number of ‘Indie’ games born on the PC gaining huge popularity, games like Don’t Starve, Minecraft & Super Meat Boy. A lot of the success of these games is down to Youtube, it shows just how powerful of a tool that it has become when you see a big Youtuber plays a game and its popularity can sore through the roof, it just shows what a bit of exposure can do, but that’s a discussion for another time, my point is, i feel like i’m really missing out here! Continue reading A PC Noob Needs You!