Hello Everyone! We are excited to announce that as of Saturday May 4th, United We Game (referred to as UWG from here on) will be accepting post submissions!
We’ve been looking forward to doing this since we began back in March and are incredibly excited to start working with our fellow games bloggers as UWG takes its next step towards fulfilling its purpose!
For those who haven’t read the “FAQ” or “About” pages, the goal and purpose of UWG is to bring games bloggers great and small together to cooperate, collaborate, and advance the interests of all involved. Of course, this means direct marketing and references for those who participate, but that is only the beginning! By connecting each of our own spaces (our blogs) with one another, not only do we all gain potentially greater viewership/traffic, but we also gain allies, partners, and potential friends.
You could of course do this on your own, it’s not difficult, but we here at UWG intend to make it that much easier to do so.
Everything is detailed more completely on the “FAQ” and “About” pages, but what been said here are the essentials of what UWG is about. So please, take a look around, and if you like what you see then contact us!
When we game (and write) united, there’s no limit to what we can each accomplish!
So, (apologies in advance for dumb questions)
I’ve read the FAQ and this post and I’m still not entirely sure what you do to “submit”. Are we sending you blog posts, or is this a case where we can sign up for a Contributor account and can post at our leisure (subject to editing)?
NOT THAT I’M INTERESTED OR ANYTHING… okmaybealittle… But my “friend” was asking about this and I thought I’d ask on “his” behalf…
Good question. New writers will become Contributors of the blog, and yes, they can post when they feel like it, and one of us administrators will publish it. We are planning on making the writers who post a lot Authors of the blog, so they can publish their posts themselves.
I’m liking this a lot! I know I want to contribute to the site at some point. Have to brainstorm possible article ideas. Hmm…
Great! We look forward to your ideas!