For the last many months, I have been playing nothing but RPG’s, and I’ve learned something.
They are really exhausting.
You see, I decided it was time to catch up on all the old Squaresoft games I had missed, or at least, most of them, namely the “Final Fantasy” games number 4-9 (except 7), with 1-3 possibilities in the future, and “Chrono Trigger” and “Chrono Cross”, and after playing through about half of them, I have found that RPG’s really take a lot out of a person, especially someone who doesn’t have as much time for endless hours of random battles and leveling up as they used to. (That person was me, in case that was unclear.)
While I love RPG’s for their wonderful stories and characters, the gameplay can be positively tiring, as fun as they (usually) are, because these games are just so long and involved, and it’s not so easy to take a prolonged break from them and pick up from where you left off as you can with other genres of games. And what makes my gaming situation even more sleep-inducing is that ALL my unplayed games are currently RPG’s. In addition to these old PS1 games, I have three more RPG’s in my future, “Ni no Kuni”, “The Last Story”, and “Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns”. (Yes, I am still playing through that trilogy.) And do you know what I really need right now? Before my brain spontaneously combusts and becomes all crispy and delicious?
I need a “Mario” game. Or a “Zelda” game. Or something. You know, games where I can mindlessly jump on turtles and whatever the heck Goombas are or a game that allows me to actually skip all the enemies I want, with none of the consequences of not being on a level strong enough to beat a boss. I need a game that’s just…not an RPG. And fast. Or I may very well die. That’s how dire my predicament is. Too many RPG’s equals death. I bet you didn’t know that, but it’s true. It’s not an exaggeration at all. Nope, it’s not. Stop looking at me like that.
Anyway, yeah, yet another random post, courtesy of the nutty duck. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to that next “Zelda” game. That is, if I survive that long….
The Duck Who Now Cringes at the Mere Mention of Those Horrible Initials…
Sounds like you need a casual game with a points-button feature, like Fruit Ninja; or something with high replay value? Not really sure what your genre preferences are, but I’ve been there, too. I suggest looking for a highly replayable game.
I love adventuring games, but I like being able to just play the darn thing. In RPGs, you’re constantly interrupted by random battles, making such games long and tedious. I like games like Zelda where you can run past enemies if you choose and boss battles don’t take hours. RPGs just get tiring after a while. And I still have a bunch that need playing, I just can’t do it….
Oh I agree. I just can’t get into RPGs anymore. Too many other games out there that don’t eat up 40 – 90 hours. I recently played what many consider to be a 3 hour casual JRPG that turned into a staggering 9 hours. Some RPGs if I fall out of and try to go back to I’m just lost and so my interest dies. I need a fun game like you that doesn’t require a work week or two of an investment.
I also agree, RPGs do eat up a lot of time. I agree, but I still love them… I tend to mix mine with casual games and platformers, so that when I feel the exhaustion comes on I can take a break and relax hopping on heads lol.
I’ve been thinking and what I believe I’ve come up with is that RPGs are better for children with low budgets and very few games. most of us are adults with jobs that don’t allow for as much time for gaming so when we have time its best to have a short lived rewarding experience that does make you feel like you’re racing against something.
That’s what’s funny about RPGs, only kids have time for them, but often times, only adults can really understand them. I, too, have to cycle between different genres. I don’t want to give up RPGs, but I don’t wish to spend months inching through one game, either. I’m currently working on KH2 Remix right now, though, and that’s an RPG I can spend lots of time on. It depends on the game, too, I suppose.
My ideal game is about 20-30 hours. Zelda is perfect. Not too short, not too long, and I’m actually allowed to walk past enemies without the fear of not being leveled up enough. I’m getting tired of RPGs at this point and have finally decided I might want to sell the ones that aren’t as good. Final Fantasy XIII will be the first to go. 100 hours of watching my characters fight completely on their own? I think once was enough. Just the mere thought of replaying it makes me queasy.
That is quite the hefty list you’re working on. I can’t imagine trying to get through 2 RPGs in a row, much less 4 or more. I recommend a playthrough of DKC 2 immediately. Nothing gets rid of that stale RPG air like a classic Donkey Kong game! (Also, Crash Bandicoot if available.)
Oh, yes, those old Donkey Kong games were great. That’s definitely enough to liven things up. Now that I’m almost done with the newer Donkey Kong on the Wii U, I’m wanting more and more to replay the originals. Jumping on crocodiles never gets old. Being interrupted by ten random battles before I’ve walked twenty feet does. It gets old fast.
What stinks is when those battles line up with the steps take on the map. I remember a time in Pokemon when I was stuck in some tall grass and I had to enter a fight with almost each step on my out. stupid random battle systems…
Such games are rather controlling, aren’t they? That they don’t give the player a choice to fight or not. I like games that let me run from all my enemies if I so choose. It’s my game, so it should be my business whether I want to level up or not.
I agree. I have got Xenoblade X on my radar this year and I am sort of dreading the day it comes out because I know all my life will be sucked away by it.
If it is half as good as its prequel, it will be worth it, though.
I have heard so many good things about Xenoblade, but if I ever get my hands on it, it also scares me. I’ve heard it’s a big commitment. Which is terrifying.
Seeing a normal game on the shelf? Eh I can whack that out every now and again. See a RPG on a shelf? oh god it wants my life dedicated for weeks if I’m ever going to get my moneys worth.
RPGs are very scary now that I don’t have much time anymore. I have so many that still need playing, and I really don’t want to. But, they’re sitting there…watching me. Always watching.