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Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 9

Another Monday, another addition to Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon.  In part 9, I finally finish up with the fun park.  In the process, I catch Crow and learn some interesting things about him.  That guy sure was a pain.  Grr…grumble…grumble…

Video from Youtube User: United WeGame

Fragile Ducks: Farewell Ducks of the Ducks

2 thoughts on “Youtube Time: The Duck Plays: Fragile Dreams-Part 9”

  1. It took me 3 years but FINALLY found a complete copy of this at a local GameStop (could always buy it online, but where’s the fun in that?). It was the last game on my Wii list to pick up. Can’t wait to play it.


    1. This game is strange, but it’s pretty fun, too. I like games that are different, so it was quite worth it. It is always fun finding a game you’ve looked long and hard for. It took me a long time to find The Last Story at the store, until one day, there it was. Victory!

      Liked by 1 person

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