Photo by Flickr User: elle dio

Secrets Of the Tube?

Hello everyone, Mr.Super Ultimate here. Today I will discuss my experience with YouTube, and all the secrets I have uncovered. Like all life lessons, these secrets came from not knowing how things really work. What I am about to tell you will save you the pain of wondering why your content is not getting as many views compare to others who create similar content. This blog will also cover the issue over why people are losing so many subscribes as of late, and why that may not be a bad thing at all. So, there will be no “To be Continued” here. My aim is to arm you with everything you need to know as a future, or current YouTube content provider in five paragraphs or more ;) But before I do, I would like to thank United We Game, and you the community as a whole for all your continued support in me, and each other.

Let us start off with presentation! You may have watched a tutorial and heard people say things like “it is all about the camera you use to record”, and whether or not it is 1080p HD enabled. You may even heard things like “you need the proper tags to associate your content with related videos”, as well as “you need a good subject title for the video to standout more”. The list goes on into forever, so with that I say, “whatever!” Here is the real deal boys and girls. It is all about what is popular and how you use your skills to turn it into something new and truly amazing. For example, say someone has a device that makes babies go to sleep through the sounds of wild animals attacking trash cans. You say to yourself, wait a minute, let’s replace the wild animals and trash cans with beautiful classical music…would that not be fun? Whatever it may be, I hope you get the crazy looking Mona Lisa picture I was trying to paint left handed for you in the back alley of your local Subway restaurant.

Predictions also play an important part. Let us say you have a favorite football team that has not won a game in years. You make a fake video that states in the subject title, “Super High Jr. Pickle Society goes to the SuperBowl” (Something to that affect). When they finally do go to that magical SuperBowl restroom, you can bet that your video will get some pretty nice hits because everyone who enjoys that crappy, I mean…delightful team, are googling them that very day. Now for the bad news bears. Just like that suck team winning their first game, your views for that video may come over the course of months or years. Maybe only 24 hours if you are lucky enough?

Often times, if your videos are over 4,000 views and you have more dislikes than likes, that video is what I like to call a “Super Viral Video.” A super viral video is rare and will continue to receive views years after it was gone viral. This is the rare case when dislikes are a good thing; but in no way does this mean your video will hit a million views. Once a video has gone viral, YouTube’s “view system” stops at 301 views. According to company staff who oversee and maintain the view system, “this is a way to ensure all views are real, accounted  for, and it should only take a day or two to unfreeze the 301 view mark.” Well, this is true for all “well-known” YouTube partners, but for me, it took 3 years for my self-titled videos like, “MrSuperUltimate’s Spiral” to unfreeze, but the total number was under the 301 limit, and no higher.

In today’s world of YouTube, (thanks to all the updates and layout changes over the years) you have a better chance of getting rich than ever going super viral. Even the word “viral video” is rarely used now because…it rarely happens. Some of the big name YouTube partners are also hit by the effects of the layout change, but not by much. They still get that 1,000 views in a day count that most of us hopeful content creators dream about.  Unless you have seen it for yourself, you fall among others who do not believe 1,000 views are possible. Mainly because they are too into their own thing to notice, so they will stick to their guns, and look the other way like so many do.

Everyone on YouTube may have the same account layout, but that is where the equal rights end…just saying.

This brings me to my point: DO NOT BELIEVE THE VIEWS YOU SEE! Many “YouTube stars” are popular because…wait for it…they already work for YouTube. Don’t believe me? Find someone who is known for trash talking to their loyal fans on video. Ever wonder why their videos are still up years after your video was taken down in one day for being “too offensive” because you were defending yourself from someone who attacked you in their video?  The lesson I learn from this was self-control. So what if one or two people get away with acting like a jerk! You are your channel now and no one is worth throwing away the time you invested in it. You are here for you. Not them.

I think I have covered the basics of what you should know if you are a content creator who is known for losing your cool over small petty things that affect us all sometimes. But do not feel bad, for you take pride in your work, and it is only right to feel unappreciated whenever that work goes unnoticed. The problem with this is, with all the good that comes from attention, there is also bad that comes from it. How do I know? I have given you my four year experience with YouTube (minus the personal drama) all in one condensed format. This blog is not an opinion, it is fact! (Due to having way too much free time that is). But that is neither here nor there. The point is this, not only am I giving you an X-play style review with a 5 out of 5, but I am also giving you the game for free and it has not even came out yet.

Now, what is a game without tips? Before you say anything, yes I can read your mind and there are no cheat codes here pal! If you want to cheat, then google “View Bots.” That is another thing some YouTube partners use to obtain views. Anyways, here’s another tip for long time YouTube content makers. Have you ever logged into your account and noticed one or maybe three people have unsubscribed you? Well, before you go off and do something reckless Johnny. You need to know that this was not a hate crime committed against one of your many colorful videos. Here is the story according to YouTube (I do not buy it myself, but let us run with that ball YouTube so kindly dropped shall we). The unsubscribes, (according to YouTube) are “abandoned accounts” that users no longer use. Wow, makes you wonder what will happen if you should ever find yourself locked out of your account does it not? Well, as long as you remember your password, do not worry too much.

However, now, there is an upside to this. For each subscriber lost, you gain views accredited towards your account; and based on the way I just explained that last part, some of you may feel like you are watching the TV show, Yu-Gi-Oh….dear god. Your newly obtained views are really just views you should already have due to something called, “Life Time Views.” Those are the views you have accumulated over…You guessed it! The life time of your baby, I mean Your Channel. My page shows I am at 60,000 views, but my life time views show I am well over 100,000 views. Just like you, I do not like the absence of my extra views either, but just knowing what is really going on with your views will set you apart from the ones who are not affected by this frozen wall of time that goes unnoticed by their ever changing view counter. A view counter that seems to smack you upside the head every time it super saiyan’s its way over 9,000 views while always resting at a power level in the million’s.

Moreover, I would like to add two other things that happened to me and may happen with you if you are on more than one social networking site like I am. First, after I came back to YouTube in 2012 due to being offline for a year because of personal issues; my sub count, (over 700 at the time) shot down to zero subs in one night. Now, unless I am the worlds most hated man (and I do feel that way sometimes) there is no way that many people unsubscribed me at once. That is why I do not believe YouTube’s official story. Which, funny enough, came months after that world-wide subscriber power outage thing I just told you about. Lastly, I have noticed that if I lose a subscriber on YouTube, I will gain a like on my Facebook Fan page, and the other way around. I have no one to help me with my online marketing, so I have to pay attention to every small detail like that that goes on with my networks. (Just a heads up in case there really is someone out there trying to besmirch my good name).

I am sure there are more tips and advice out there that was not covered in this blog, but that is okay. In the words of RoboCop, “We’re only human.”

In summary, do not sweat the views you see on someone else’s Channel. It will only make you mad and force your hand into doing something that may cost you a partnership. Or even, a friendship. I am only still on YouTube for the simple fact that I want my music to touch hearts and inspire someone not just in my city, but someone on the other side of the world; and it has with a small some but I want it all baby. I hope my advice was helpful, and may it guide you into whatever you decide is best for you both online and offline. In any event, do not lose your cool because Frankie says relax, and you should too.  ~MrSuperUltimate (YouTube)

Before I go, here’s a gift from me, to you. Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 (An Original Album)  and, an additional fun and catchy bass tune I composed called “City Jacking (2010).” This 2010 beat has been enhanced thanks to new mixing, and mastering skills I’ve obtained over my 4 years here online.  The beat is only in demo form due to a limited upload space on my SoundCloud account, but the album I have provided (be it only a demo as well) will have full songs. Some of which, have NEVER been uploaded to my YouTube account, so I hope you greatly enjoy that too.

Photo by Flickr User: elle dio (cc)

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