Tag Archives: Sword n board

Sword ‘n’ Board: Invention, Exploration, and Cardboard!


I recently had the opportunity to talk with indie game developer Robert Busy. Robert has been working on his game, entitled “Sword ‘n’ Board”, for about eight months now. Sword ‘n’ Board is a top-down adventure game inspired by many of the classic adventure games of eras past. While playing the game, players will find themselves in the role of “Sidd”, an imaginative boy on a grand quest to recover his cherished game console. Along the way he will have to explore an imaginary landscape of his own imagining, complete with tricky enemies, devious bosses, and vexing dungeons. After learning about this, I had plenty of questions for Robert, which he had no problems answering.
Continue reading Sword ‘n’ Board: Invention, Exploration, and Cardboard!

PAX Preview (the 1st)!


Hello all! We here at United We Game have graciously been granted access to all sorts of juicy preview info in the days leading up to PAX Prime, and needless to say we’re psyched to the utmost to be able to share it all with you! To start it all off, I’d like to give you a short intro to 5 of these exciting games and accessories. Over the course of PAX, I’ll be conducting interviews with the incredibly talented individuals behind each of these, so I’ll bring you more information about these as it is gathered. For now though, I heartily encourage you to check out the sites for each of the following.
Continue reading PAX Preview (the 1st)!