Comments on: The Completionist Strikes Back Play, Share, Unite! Sat, 04 Feb 2017 12:15:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: File under “It ain’t what it used to be:” The sixty dollar game | United We Game Thu, 03 Dec 2015 18:01:49 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-16145 […] an earlier and overeager post about Yoshi’s Woolly World, I spoke of how it brought out my negligible completionist tendencies. I’ve now beaten the […]


By: cary Mon, 16 Nov 2015 13:59:08 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15940 Reblogged this on Recollections of Play and commented:

It’s one thing to beat a game. It’s another to fully *complete* it. And I don’t usually complete games to their fullest extents. (I came close with Mass Effect, but I’m not sure I ever got 100%.) By the time the credits roll in a game, no matter how “complete” it may be, I’m usually ready to move onto the next one. But every now and again a game comes along that challenges my lackadaisical nature. Currently, Yoshi’s Woolly World is that game. In this post I wrote for United We Game, I discussed how yarn skeins and a multitude of milti-colored Yoshies are challenging me to GET ALL THE THINGS!


By: cary Tue, 03 Nov 2015 13:28:51 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15778 I think it’s a definite “buy” for the Wii U. It’s not without its challenges and frustrating moments, but the world of the game is just so wonderfully warm that it’s hard to put down once you really start to get into it!

I see your point about the relief that comes with fully completing a game. That way, you can move onto the next game unhindered, and that’s a good feeling. If it didn’t take me as long as it does to complete just the main story in most games, I’d probably do that too.


By: duckofindeed Tue, 03 Nov 2015 03:25:10 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15730 I always try to get 100% in all my games. It just bothers me if I miss something. I just love knowing that when I switch to a different game, the game I’m leaving behind has nothing left for me to do. I guess I just enjoy that kind of closure, that there isn’t any fun I’m missing out on.

Yoshi’s Wooly World does look adorable. I might just need to get it some time….

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By: Matt Mon, 02 Nov 2015 22:36:54 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15710 Amen to that!

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By: cary Mon, 02 Nov 2015 13:00:57 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15689 I never completed Yoshi’s Island at 100% either. Dealing with Baby Mario was enough of a hassle, let alone trying to get all the special items!

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By: cary Mon, 02 Nov 2015 12:58:34 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15688 Good luck with DA II. I’d like to do the same someday with Inquisition (get 100%), but boy oh boy, there’s just so much to do in that game! But I’m with you in that most of the time, I’m just happy getting through a game’s main story. Anything else I manage to accomplish is just icing on the cake.

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By: cary Mon, 02 Nov 2015 12:55:41 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15687 Yeah, with so much to play, it can be difficult enough just finished a game’s main story, let alone everything else! For me, a lot depends on the game. Like, with Tomb Raider, I’ve spent a little time trying to get all the special items, but I usually end up getting restless and just move on with the story. But it is rather addictive for awhile, and sometime you find a new, unexplored spot, which is exciting. But even when there are incentives to return, going back to fully finish older games is certainly a challenge.

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By: Dina Farmer Sun, 01 Nov 2015 06:03:06 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15678 No, only if a game really latches hold of me. Most of the time I’m happy to just complete the game period, only because I’ve made teh grave mistake of attempting to enjoy JRPGs again and being sourly disappointed. I tend to work on a game for a while and if I complete I’m happy.

There are only a handful of games that I need to 100% finish everything. Like Dragon Age 2, I’m still working on everything in that game.

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By: simpleek Sat, 31 Oct 2015 15:01:26 +0000 /?p=5089#comment-15669 I’m definitely not a huge completionist, but I’ll make exceptions for some games, namely the Bioware ones. Or at least try! I tend to feel that once I at least finish the main story, it’s good enough for me. It’s also hard to 100% a game these days because of personal time constraints or having too many other games to play. Unless it’s a game I really love, maybe I’ll try to go back to it and see if I can finish the other stuff I never got to, but that barely has happened if it does happen at all! 😦

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