Comments on: Getting Back To It- Zack and Wiki: The Quest for Babaros’ Treasure /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/ Play, Share, Unite! Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:58:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: veryverygaming /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13985 Tue, 07 Jul 2015 17:24:43 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13985 Ha ha, it’s a pretty interesting game so far from what I’ve played. And any old USB mouse does the trick, which is pretty neat! Certainly much more elegant than the PS1’s official mouse which was/is a sight for sore eyes.

By: Matt /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13982 Tue, 07 Jul 2015 10:53:31 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13982 Yeah, it is quite impressive.

By: Hatm0nster /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13978 Tue, 07 Jul 2015 01:18:52 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13978 They’re all so deceptively complex aren’t they? They put so much thought into so many of them. It really took some actual critical thought at times!

By: Hatm0nster /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13977 Tue, 07 Jul 2015 01:17:05 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13977 Huh. It’s too bad Glass Rose never had a US release, cause that sound AWESOME! Was that mouse a PS2 add-on, or could you just plug in a USB mouse?

By: Matt /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13963 Mon, 06 Jul 2015 11:30:38 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13963 Zack and Wiki is an impressive game. The puzzles are so well-designed and intricate that navigating through a simple scenario towards a chest (even if said scenario is a tight room) may take over thirty minutes. I love it!

By: veryverygaming /2015/07/05/zack-and-wiki-the-quest-for-babaros-treasure-getting-back-to-it/comment-page-1/#comment-13955 Sun, 05 Jul 2015 17:32:22 +0000 /?p=4664#comment-13955 Speaking of Capcom puzzle/adventure games, I recently received for my birthday the bizarre Europe/Japan-only Capcom point and click, Glass Rose on PS2. It’s not cartoony like Zack and Wiki but it certainly has a similarly absurd central premise! The main character, a time-travelling journalist in the game, is modeled on, voiced and mo-copped by a J-pop boyband star – I’m not joking. It’s a proper point and click experience like Zack and Wiki, you can plug a USB mouse into the PS2 to play it.

I do want to go back to this game as I remember having a similar experience. A few frustrations but overall a very good puzzler. As you say even though the gameplay is very tight and smartly designed, and the game looks great, the tone feels a bit all over the place. I suspect that’s because of the dev team’s shift in focus throughout development. I seem to remember an interview with one of the team talking about how the critical buzz around Zack and Wiki in the West as a “hardcore” title made them shift the game’s focus away from being child friendly.
