Comments on: From the Console’s Perspective: The Halcyon Days of Youth /2014/08/21/from-the-consoles-perspective-the-halcyon-days-of-youth/ Play, Share, Unite! Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:58:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: cary /2014/08/21/from-the-consoles-perspective-the-halcyon-days-of-youth/comment-page-1/#comment-7911 Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:01:49 +0000 /?p=3055#comment-7911 Reblogged this on Recollections of Play and commented:

Recently, most of my thoughts concerning games have revolved around my changing relationship with them. As I sped past one of my game consoles in a hurry to get to work one morning, I started to ponder what that evolution might look like from another perspective. From the console’s perspective. With that notion in mind and a brief team-up with the creative writing bug, I formulated this three-part series for United We Game in which I speculated upon a life lived from the point of view of a video game console. Whether or not I managed well with the creative part remains to be judged, but it was nicely cathartic putting these bottled up thoughts and emotions in writing. Here’s the first entry in the series looking back upon the carefree and careless days of gaming during childhood, when time was plentiful and so were the games.

For the other entries in the series, click here:
From the Console’s Perspective: The College Years, and Then Some
From the Console’s Perspective: The Onset of Middle Age

By: cary /2014/08/21/from-the-consoles-perspective-the-halcyon-days-of-youth/comment-page-1/#comment-7418 Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:29:14 +0000 /?p=3055#comment-7418 Several of our consoles are also packed away. (Though we do keep out our favorites in order to prevent any squabbles.) I’m not sure the older consoles will see much daylight because, as I recently discovered when trying to hook up the Gamecube, our new-fangled, modern TVs don’t have the right inputs! Oh, technology.

By: duckofindeed /2014/08/21/from-the-consoles-perspective-the-halcyon-days-of-youth/comment-page-1/#comment-7392 Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:13:24 +0000 /?p=3055#comment-7392 Some of my poor consoles are in the closet. The XBox especially complains of neglect, especially when I love it least. And I think they’re all jealous that I show favoritism to the PS2.
