Comments on: When Glitches Just Ruin It /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/ Play, Share, Unite! Sat, 22 Feb 2014 23:46:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Glitches Involving Capricious Audio | United We Game /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1939 Tue, 19 Nov 2013 16:02:35 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1939 […] little while ago, Cary wrote a post about some glitches in a damaged copy of “The Last of Us” that ruined the game for her, which […]

By: cary /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1809 Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:57:33 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1809 Wow, that is quite a glitch!

Guilty as charged here though — I’ve not played a single Pokemon game. Except for a few of the characters, I don’t know much about the games. I guess it’s never too late to jump on the bandwagon, but I’ve just got too much else to play right now! Besides, Pokemon people seem to be doing just fine without me. :)

By: Walters /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1796 Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:49:32 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1796 lol amazingly enough, I caught it and almost was going to fight with it (I had actually stumbled onto it by accident). My sister was saying I should try it out. I turned the game off because I had no idea what it was. Next day, I learned it was the best decision I ever made.

But hey, as long as you don’t be a fool and use it in battle (or catch it), it’s cool. Honest. I was young too when I saw it (it freaked the crap out of me at the time, but I got used to it xD)…I dealt with it!!!

By: Walters /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1795 Thu, 07 Nov 2013 19:45:56 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1795 I wish I caught this earlier, when I didn’t disappear from the internet for a good while.

1) How could you have not known about the Missingno glitch lawl I guess you’re never gotten into Pokemon?
2) fminuzzi covered all the basics. Missingno was basically a mistake made by the programmers when it came to the role of the old man in Viridian City. I can’t find the original article (But this will do fine enough) but in short, once they allowed the Old Man to temporarily take over to catch a Pokemon (you usually only have your MC and Pokemon), you were no longer the trainer. It usually gets cancelled since you head to a defined field where you can only walk after that, but Cinnabar Island’s shore was instead defined the same way (but you can surf there). So long story short, the result is every item in the 6th slot in your items menu would reach its cap (99), and it could be done at any time because Missingno appeared. You’ll also run into PKMN that have no business being in the sea. I’ll just end that it was fun times talking to people about that Glitch back in my youth :3

By: Vitosal /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1776 Wed, 06 Nov 2013 15:35:02 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1776 excellent. Thanks Carey. Maybe it will help other people. Just read on the WB forums, and people are threatening law suits now…

By: cary /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1774 Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:56:11 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1774 Ah, cool! I’ll provided a link here to your latest article on the topic for anyone else who’s curious.

If/when we do get Arkham Origins, it’ll definitely be on the PS3.

By: Vitosal /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1751 Tue, 05 Nov 2013 14:32:09 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1751 don’t get it on Xbox. Here is what the new patch does. I think that if you guys had to get it now, and then update, I don’t think you will have any problems with the single player campaign. You can read what the update has fixed on my blog if you need to.

By: cary /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1749 Tue, 05 Nov 2013 10:28:11 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1749 Hey, that’s cool! I know we just got a crappy disc, which really is too bad considering that we’ve had good luck with Gamefly games so far. (I’d like to think that Gamefly tossed it rather than sending it on to frustrate someone else, but who knows.)

Thanks for the note about Arkham Origins. We’ve been thinking of getting it, but haven’t yet. Something to keep in mind as I doubt another glitchy game would go over so well.

By: Vitosal /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1744 Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:05:37 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1744 Not one game yet. Most recently the one that’s ticked me off is Batman: Arkhham Origins,,,,with three patches already been released.
I was lucky with The Last of US. Not one glitch the whole way through :-)

By: cary /2013/10/24/when-glitches-just-ruin-it/comment-page-1/#comment-1741 Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:52:30 +0000 /?p=1249#comment-1741 Reblogged this on Recollections of Play and commented:

Last month over on United We Game, I told the sad, sad story of how glitches marred the experience of The Last of Us for me as the viewer and my significant other as the player. As terrible as it sounds, they really did ruin the game; and though I’m not pointing any fingers (*cough* GameFly *cough*), I’m pretty sure we just got a bad disc. Still, it was enough to relegate The Last of Us, hailed as one of the best games of the year, to the far backseat of our gaming SUV until the glitchy experience becomes a very distance memory.
