Comments on: A Question of Value /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/ Play, Share, Unite! Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:58:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: therogueliker /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-639 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 04:00:47 +0000 /?p=629#comment-639 When it comes to boxes, nothing beats the old, huge and luxuriously painted Psygnosis Amiga game boxes with art by Roger Dean – Shadow Of The Beast II is my absolute favourite.

When it comes to overall content, SSI’s Gold Box games are also fantastic, with lots of material that sucks you in the game world… And the game box is gold-coloured, golden boxes are cool!

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-634 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:40:10 +0000 /?p=629#comment-634 That’s the real problem isn’t it? The expiration date. It doesn’t matter how far off into the future it is, just knowing that one day you won’t be able to go back to it really kills any appeal digital games have.

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-633 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:38:11 +0000 /?p=629#comment-633 I guess Cary had it right in their comment: the technology and infrastructure is still too young. It would definitely be more worth our while if digital copies offered more than simple convenience. Still, even if that were the case I don’t see anything making up for the freedom of the physical copy.

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-632 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:33:43 +0000 /?p=629#comment-632 Well, it is hard to place your trust in the game companies when one of the larger ones tries to revoke some of the ownership rights we’ve always enjoyed when it come to our games.

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-631 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:31:56 +0000 /?p=629#comment-631 That’s an interesting perspective Cary. In fact, I think you just defined (at least in part) how nostalgia works when it comes to games. Now that I think about it, I actually have a couple of games that I have, and think fondly of when I see them, but only rarely play. It’s an odd process isn’t it?

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-630 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:28:18 +0000 /?p=629#comment-630 You make a good point, nowadays we’re seeing more and more game functionality getting tied into the internet. It would be difficult to consider a game yours if so much of it is tied up on servers that you have no influence over.

As for game boxes, are there any in particular that stand out in your mind? When I think of unusual boxes, the first thing that comes to mind is the one for Earthbound.

By: Hatm0nster /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-629 Thu, 25 Jul 2013 01:23:16 +0000 /?p=629#comment-629 It is difficult to feel like something is “yours” if there’s no physical evidence isn’t it?

By: duckofindeed /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-623 Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:10:38 +0000 /?p=629#comment-623 I prefer hard copies. I like to feel like I own my games and can play whenever I like (I don’t want to get deeply attached to a game, as I often do, but know someday I can never play it again). It also doesn’t feel “official” having a digital copy, even if it’s the same exact game. I could have downloaded “FFVII” for $10, but instead I spent a great deal more buying a PS1 copy to play on my PS2 (plus, my only option at the time for download was onto a tiny PSP screen). If games cost less, I would certainly be less upset about games being digital only, for the reasons you said. I am not spending $50 for something I can only have temporarily. Especially with games, which I like to replay over the years. I don’t play them just once, unless I dislike them, which in that case, who cares what happens to them. But, I still won’t be happy games are digital, no matter how little they cost.

By: RedGuinness /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-622 Wed, 24 Jul 2013 17:30:25 +0000 /?p=629#comment-622 If console games were available for Steam Sale prices I’m sure we’d all be converts, though newly launching games are still being sold at retail price on the service.

The problem is with the perceived value loss. At the same price point for a new game, digital downloading means you lose the manual (admittedly declining in quality over the years), a box that adds allure to collectors or shelvers, and the freedom of a game disc, which carries with it freedom to share, play at another location and even sell back. The only real benefits of digital are convenience of not having to go to a store to purchase and that older games are cheaper than alternative options.

If digital gaming was available like the above-mentioned Netflix or Hulu, as a service that allowed for multiple games to be played for one set price, I’d be having a very different response. Until then, if I’m paying $60 for a new game either way, I’d like the physical copy because it gives more.

By: mindofmiked /2013/07/23/a-question-of-value/comment-page-1/#comment-621 Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:52:02 +0000 /?p=629#comment-621 Reblogged this on Mikes Place.
